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New book Civilized Digitalization: A blueprint for a digital world where technology and humanity go hand in hand

Published: 22nd April 2024 Last updated: 22nd April 2024

How do organizations deal with the ethical challenges that technological developments, such as AI, Big Data, and the Internet of Things, bring with them? In their new book, Civilized Digitalization, Leon Dohmen and Joan Baaijens describe the influence of technological developments on organizations and advocate increased moral awareness in the development and construction of digital products, such as apps and websites.

In a world where technologies permeate our lives, the urgent question arises: how can we shape our digital society without undermining the foundations of civilization? Civilized Digitalization takes the reader on an engaging journey through the complex world of digitization and digital transformation within and by organizations. A profound analysis outlines the challenges and ethical dilemmas that arise when embracing such new technologies as artificial intelligence.

"Abuse of power, privacy violations, discrimination, and psychological manipulation erode the foundations of digital civilization. This book argues in favor of 'humanity by design,' a design guideline where technological progress is accompanied by moral responsibility," says author Leon Dohmen.

Humanity by design

The authors provide tools to prevent technology from undermining humanity and to create a digital world where civilization is central. Ideas and tools are provided for every step in the designing and construction process to ensure the (fundamental) rights of people in the development of digital products. The book thus serves as a guide for the ethical design and use of digital products and is complemented by contributions from legal and scientific perspectives.

Ethical compass for the digital world

The book serves as an ethical compass for the future and prompts reflection on the ethical consequences of the digital world, aiming for responsible progress. Author Joan Baaijens: "We are individuals, consumers, citizens, professionals, or managers within an organization. In these different roles, we are constantly confronted with the duality of being victims of violations and at the same time bearing co-responsibility as persons who design, build, and deploy digital products in organizations. The issues we address are relevant not only to technicians and policymakers but to everyone involved in this digital revolution."

Part of the new Master Track 'Organizing and Managing Digital Transformation'

The theme of Civilized Digitalization is also part of the new Master Track Organizing and Managing Digital Transformation, which will start in September 2024 as part of Organization and Management Studies at Tilburg University. In this new Master's Track, students will study how organizations shape digital technology but are also influenced by it, from such various perspectives as organization and management, law, psychology, sociology, and digital sciences. Students learn to investigate and advise organizations faced by these challenges. "For students, this book offers a valuable source of knowledge and insight, challenging them to reflect on their role in digital society and how they can contribute to a civilized future," according to the authors.

This book argues in favor of "humanity by design", a design guideline where technological progress is accompanied by moral responsibility

Beschaafd Digitaliseren
Invitation to book presentation

The book presentation of Civilized Digitalization will take place on April 25 from 15:30 to 17:15 hrs. on the Tilburg University campus. Please register via this link.