woman with camera

Alumni Dag Economic Psychology & Work and Organizational Psychology

Datum: Tijd: 14:00 Locatie: Dante Building

Op 21 juni organiseert het departement Sociale Psychologie voor het eerst de Alumni Day; een evenement waarbij onze toekomstige en huidige alumni van Work and Organizational Psychology en Economic Psychology samenkomen.

Laat je gratis bijscholen en inspireren door onze interne experts, netwerk met andere professionals uit jouw vakgebied, haal herinneringen op met oude bekenden en daag zelfs je voormalige docenten uit tijdens een pubquiz. Dit evenement is kosteloos toegankelijk voor al onze huidige en toekomstige alumni. De voertaal is Engels.


  • 14:00-14:30: Inloop met koffie en thee in het Dante Foyer. Mogelijkheid tot het ophalen van jouw naamkaartje.  
  • 14:30-14:45: Plenaire opening door dr. Rob Nelissen in DZ1.  
  • 14:45-15:30: Keynote door prof. dr. Marcel Zeelenberg + paneldiscussie in DZ1.  
  • 15:30-15:45: Pauze in het Dante Foyer.  
  • 15:45-16:30: Keynote door prof. dr. Janneke Oostrom + paneldiscussie in DZ1. 
  • 16:30–16:45: Pauze in het Dante Foyer.  
  • 16:45–17:00: Wandeling naar Olympia Sports Bar.  
  • 17:00–20:00: Pub Quiz + borrel in de Olympia Sports Bar. 

Informatie over de keynotes

Speaker: prof. dr. Marcel Zeelenberg

Title: The psychology of greed 


Greed is the insatiable desire for more, an important economic motivator with numerous real-life implications. Greed is thus about getting more of what you want: More income, more possessions, more influence, more power, more sex, more privileges, more of anything good. Greed is a strong drive for acquisitiveness with respect to valued outcomes. In this way, greed is related to self-interest, maximization, envy and materialism. As a result, greed also often leads to negative outcomes for others. In this talk I will describe how we have tried to understand what greed is and what greed does. I will do so by reviewing how we developed the Dispositional Greed Scale, a 7-item questionnaire that allows us to assess individual differences in greediness. I will also address how we validated the scale and examined discriminant validity from related constructs. 


Marcel Zeelenberg is professor of Economic Psychology at Tilburg University, and professor of Behavioral Research in Marketing at the VU Amsterdam. Marcel studies how emotions and motivations influence the decisions of consumers. He has published widely about regret, disappointment, envy, shame, guilt, anger, pride and hope. Recently he has been examining the psychology of greed. He also studied the effects of poverty on decision making, behavioral choices in the context of insurances and taxation. Marcel has successfully supervised more than 30 PhD-students. 

Speaker: prof. dr. Janneke Oostrom

Title: Hiring Algorithms: Promises and Perils 


The landscape of employee selection is undergoing a transformative shift, thanks to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI). These AI-driven tools promise to enhance efficiency, accuracy, and fairness in candidate screening. Yet, this technological advancement is not without its challenges. The potential for AI to unintentionally perpetuate discrimination against marginalized groups is a significant concern that necessitates careful attention. In this presentation, we will explore various AI-based selection tools, highlighting their potential benefits and inherent risks. Additionally, we will argue for the necessity of an interdisciplinary approach in developing AI systems. Such an approach is essential not only for optimizing job performance prediction but also for mitigating the risks of discriminatory hiring practices.  


Janneke Oostrom is a professor of Work & Organizational Psychology and the head of the Social Psychology Department at the Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences. Her research focuses on employee recruitment, selection, and assessment. Within this field, she studies topics such as the use of new technology, situational judgment testing, impression management, and diversity and inclusion. From 2016 to 2022, Janneke represented the VU in the Dutch Committee on Tests and Testing (COTAN), which audits the quality of psychological tests that are available for use in the Netherlands. In 2015, she joined the board of the NOA foundation. Since 2022, she is also a member of AON's scientific advisory board on assessments.