dr. Roshnee Ossewaarde

dr. Roshnee Ossewaarde

Universitair docent

TST: Tilburg School of Catholic Theology
TST: Religion and Practice

Telefoonnummer: +31134668423 Secretariaat: +31134663800 B.Lowtoo@tilburguniversity.edu Kamer NE 103


Digitalization in general and so-called ‘Artificial Intelligence’-driven technologies in particular are portrayed as a game changer in political discourses, science fiction, popular media, tech marketing campaigns, and academic literature. These narratives typically celebrate technical achievements, thereby largely disregarding the ontological implications of the digitalization of health and wellbeing for knowledge, self-knowledge, human self-understanding, politics, citizenship, justice, and power. My research addresses these issues by focusing on datafication and non-datafiable knowledge (such as intuitive, introspective, and sensorial/body-mediated knowledge), epistemic and methodological justice in digital (mental) health platforms and machine learning systems, eugenics, phrenology, and physiognomy in algorithms, and the transformations of the visions of the good and of the self that result from the engagement with digital technologies. 


Top publicaties

  1. From “Wellness Capitalism” to Constructed Personhood - Self-Obsession…

    Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, R. (2023). From “Wellness Capitalism” to Constructed Personhood: Self-Obsession in the Digital Age. The European Legacy, 28(8), 877-881.
  2. Reviving the Love for Economic Justice - Foul Was Never Fair

    Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, R. (2021). Reviving the Love for Economic Justice: Foul Was Never Fair. Lexington Books.
  3. The EU’s Green Deal - A Third Alternative to Green Growth and Degrowt…

    Ossewaarde, R., & Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, R. (2020). The EU’s Green Deal: A Third Alternative to Green Growth and Degrowth? Sustainability, 12(23), 1-15. Article 9825.
  4. Wisdom Begins with Awe

    Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, R. (2020). Wisdom Begins with Awe. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 112(4), 291-305.
  5. Het filosofische denken tussen mystiek en logica

    Ossewaarde-Lowtoo, R. (2023). Het filosofische denken tussen mystiek en logica. Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, 115(3), 295-299.

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