prof. dr. Caroline Vander Stichele


TST: Tilburg School of Catholic Theology
TST: Texts in Contexts

Telefoonnummer: +31134663002 Secretariaat: +31134663800 Kamer T 709


Recente publicaties

  1. Contemporary Yoga and Sacred Texts

    Scholz, S., & Vander Stichele, C. (Eds.) (Accepted/In press). Contemporary Yoga and Sacred Texts. Routledge.
  2. Introduction - Why Thinking about Texts Matters in Contemporary Yoga …

    Scholz, S., & Vander Stichele, C. (Accepted/In press). Introduction: Why Thinking about Texts Matters in Contemporary Yoga Studies. In S. Scholz, & C. Vander Stichele (Eds.), Contemporary Yoga and Sacred Texts Routledge.
  3. Apocalypse en klimaatverandering - Een angstaanjagend of hoopvol disc…

    Vander Stichele, C. (2024). Apocalypse en klimaatverandering: Een angstaanjagend of hoopvol discours?. Manuscript submitted for publication In P. Kevers (Ed.), De Bijbel als bron van hoop en vertrouwen in donkere tijden
  4. 'Are we to turn and all listen to her?’ - Mary Magdalene as Contested…

    Vander Stichele, C. (Accepted/In press). 'Are we to turn and all listen to her?’: Mary Magdalene as Contested Teacher. In B. Koet, & A. van Wieringen (Eds.), Models of Teacherhood CBQ Imprints.
  5. Test or Testimony? - Mary's Virginity in the Infancy Gospel of James …

    Vander Stichele, C. (Accepted/In press). Test or Testimony? Mary's Virginity in the Infancy Gospel of James (Protevangelium Jacobi) and in Godard's Film 'Je vous salue, Marie' (Hail Mary, 1984). In M. Sarot, & A. van Wieringen (Eds.), The Apostles' Creed: Born from the Virgin Mary (Studies in Theology and Religion). Brill.

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