dr. Patrick Klaiber

dr. Patrick Klaiber

Universitair docent

TSB: Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences
TSB: Department of Developmental Psychology


Recente publicaties

  1. Positive event diversity - Relationship with personality and well-bei…

    Klaiber, P., Hill, P. L., Almeida, D. M., DeLongis, A., & Sin, N. L. (2024). Positive event diversity: Relationship with personality and well-being. Journal of Personality. Advance online publication.
  2. Nightly sleep predicts next-morning expectations for stress and posit…

    Wen, J. H., Klaiber, P., Leger, K. A., Hill, P. L., Pfund, G. N., Slavish, D. C., Delongis, A., & Sin, N. L. (2024). Nightly sleep predicts next-morning expectations for stress and positive experiences. Psychosomatic Medicine. Advance online publication.
  3. Positive event diversity and age - Testing curvilinear associations

    Klaiber, P., Hill, P. L., Almeida, D., Delongis, A., & Sin, N. (2023). Positive event diversity and age: Testing curvilinear associations. Innovation in Aging, 7(Supplement_1), 278-279.
  4. Age differences in everyday discrimination and cortisol dynamic range…

    Ong, L., Klaiber, P., Wen, J., Stuart, N., & Sin, N. (2023). Age differences in everyday discrimination and cortisol dynamic range in daily life. Innovation in Aging, 7(Supplement_1), 506-507.
  5. Daily stress and same-day subjective memory - Age differences and phy…

    Stuart, N., Wen, J., Klaiber, P., Delongis, A., Puterman, E., & Sin, N. (2023). Daily stress and same-day subjective memory: Age differences and physical activity as a buffer. Innovation in Aging, 7(Supplement_1), 394-395.

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