prof. dr. Rik Pieters

Eminent Research Scholar and Emeritus Professor

TiSEM: Tilburg School of Economics and Management
TiSEM: Department Marketing


Aloha, and welcome


Concert ukulele fingerpicking


Recent publications

  1. The crosswise model for surveys on sensitive topics: A general framew…

    Gregori, M., de Jong, M. G., & Pieters, R. (Accepted/In press). The crosswise model for surveys on sensitive topics: A general framework for item selection and statistical analysis. Psychometrika.
  2. Response aggregation to obtain truthful answers to sensitive question…

    Gregori, M., de Jong, M. G., & Pieters, R. (2023). Response aggregation to obtain truthful answers to sensitive questions: Estimating the prevalence of illegal purchases of prescription drugs. Journal of Marketing Research. Advance online publication.
  3. Materialism and life satisfaction relations between and within people…

    Jaspers, E. D. T., Pandelaere, M., Pieters, R., & Shrum, L. J. (2023). Materialism and life satisfaction relations between and within people over time: Results of a three-wave longitudinal study. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 33(3), 591-601.
  4. Attention trajectories capture utility accumulation and predict brand…

    Martinovici, A., Pieters, R., & Erdem, T. (2023). Attention trajectories capture utility accumulation and predict brand choice. Journal of Marketing Research, 60(4), 625-645.
  5. Modeling eye movements during decision making - A review

    Wedel, M., Pieters, R., & van der Lans, R. (2023). Modeling eye movements during decision making: A review. Psychometrika, 88, 697-729.

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