dr. Ruben van Wingerden

dr. Ruben van Wingerden


TST: Tilburg School of Catholic Theology
TST: Texts in Contexts


Ruben van Wingerden studied Theology at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, completed his Research Master's there, and finished his PhD in 2023 at Tilburg University. His main interests are New Testament and Early Christianities, and especially how suffering is coped with. His expertise lies in the historical aspects of Roman crucifixion: what was it, and how was it executed? Who was crucified and why? Ruben has published several articles in renowned international New Testament journals and his Dutch book on Roman crucifixion, published in 2024 (Walburg Pers). Besides his work as a scholar, Ruben is also involved in the School's care for new students. He advises and helps those interested in studying theology at Tilburg University. He lives with his wife and son in Bilthoven. 


2023: New Testament: Acts and Letters of Paul (Dutch, 3 EC)

2024: New Testament: Acts and Letters of Paul (Dutch, 3 EC)

2024: New Testament: Acts and Letters of Paul (English, 3EC)

2024: New Testament: Synoptic Gospels and John (Dutch: 6 EC) 


Recent publications

  1. ‘Hebben jullie soms iets te eten, jongens?’ - Johannes 21.5 en paidion

    van Wingerden, R. (Accepted/In press). ‘Hebben jullie soms iets te eten, jongens?’: Johannes 21.5 en paidion. Collationes: Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Theologie en Pastoraal, 54.
  2. ‘Niet tegenspreken’ - Slaafgemaakten in Titus 2:9-10

    van Wingerden, R. (2024). ‘Niet tegenspreken’: Slaafgemaakten in Titus 2:9-10. Manuscript submitted for publication.
  3. Onesimus fugitivus redivivus - Een nieuw pleidooi voor Onesimus in Pa…

    van Wingerden, R. (2024). Onesimus fugitivus redivivus: Een nieuw pleidooi voor Onesimus in Paulus’ brief aan Filemon als gevluchte slaafgemaakte. Kerk en Theologie, 75(1), 57-70.
  4. Physiologus

    van Wingerden, R. (Accepted/In press). Physiologus. In Brill's Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Brill.
  5. Romeinse kruisiging

    van Wingerden, R. (2024). Romeinse kruisiging. Walburg Pers.

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