Jeroen Spijker

Charles de Montesquieu (2001, bronze)
Montesquieu Building

Jeroen Spijker - Charles de Montesquieu (2001)

Jeroen Spijker (born 1970) is a sculptor (and art historian) working on an oeuvre of bronze sculptures. He made several sculptures of well-known Dutch people, such as Ramses Shaffy, Gerrit Komrij, and Simon Vinkenoog. In 2014, he made the first official state portrait of King Willem-Alexander in the Netherlands, for the States Hall of the Province of Gelderland.

In the series of bust portraits, he also creates—posthumously, of course—the image of Montesquieu, the French philosopher (1669-1755) who stood at the cradle of the trias politica and is also considered one of the founders of sociology.

The sculpture was donated by the contractor of Montesquieu Building.

More about history and academic heritage

The Tilburg University academic heritage is a very diverse set of archives, visual materials, collections, devices, recorded stories, et cetera that relate to the history of the university.