Rectores Magnifici

Opening van het academisch jaar 1931-1932

History of Tilburg University in a nutshell

This is the historical timeline of Tilburg University, with the important dates in the history of the university.

The university was founded in 1927, as the Catholic Business School (Roomsch Katholieke Handelshoogeschool). It was the first academic institution in the southern Netherlands, which had long been denied the opportunity to establish institutions of higher learning by the Protestant government.

The program was centered on the field of economics, but from the beginning, students also received instruction in law, history, psychology, and the social sciences. From the 1960s onwards, these components grew into independent Schools, with almost 20,000 students now. In that same period, Tilburg has grown into a university city with students from over 140 countries. Tilburg University also has branches in Utrecht, Den Bosch, and in downtown Tilburg.

More about history and academic heritage

The Tilburg University academic heritage is a very diverse set of archives, visual materials, collections, devices, recorded stories, et cetera that relate to the history of the university.