Divisie Finance & Control

Finance & Control

Finance & Control’s mission is to support the Executive Board, Deans, management, and employees in realizing the strategic targets and the primary activities of teaching, research, and valorization by managing the financial operations within the control concept chosen and with an eye to external developments, risks, opportunities, and relevant law and legislation.

The division does this by providing financial and economic policy advice, choosing and customizing the financial systems, and carrying out the financial-administrative management tasks.

Important focus areas for Finance & Control include external funding, internal allocation of resources, the pricing policy regarding tuition and research, the planning & control cycle, risk management, the functional management of financial systems, financial (project) administration, treasury, taxes (corporate income tax and VAT) and insurances, business control, and institutional research.


The Division has a flat organizational structure, consisting of F&C Management Support and Staff, Service Center Finance and compact F&C teams per School and Division for the P&C cycle and project administration within the management units.

Finance & Control’ focus areas include external funding, the internal allocation models of Tilburg University and the Schools, the pricing policy regarding tuition and research and the institutional tuition fees, preliminary application figures and market share in student numbers, national and international rankings, the financial planning & control cycle (Tasks and Resources Plan, budget, management reports, annual financial statements) of the university, the Schools, and the Divisions, risk management, financial administration, time tracking, financial project budgets, and financial statements, audit certificates, treasury, VAT and corporate income tax, payment transactions, and financing issues.