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Rankings Social Sciences & Psychology

How is Tilburg University doing in the worldwide rankings in the field of Social Sciences & Psychology?

in Psychology worldwide
in Social Sciences & Management worldwide

Social Sciences

QS - #94 in the field of Social Sciences & Management wordwide

The QS World University Rankings by Subject 2023 focuses on scientific reputation, employer reputation, citations by researcher, and H-index.

Times Higher Education - Top 150 in Social Sciences worldwide

The Times Higher Education ranking 2023 compares and contrasts universities on education (its international reputation, for instance, and student/staff ratio), research (its international reputation, for instance, and research revenues by researcher), citations, revenues from the private sector, and international orientation.

Shanghai ARWU - Top 70 in Sociology worldwide

The Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2023 focuses on the number of publications, citation impact, international collaboration, and publications in top journals.

More information on our programs in the field of Social Sciences


Times Higher Education - #66 in Psychology worldwide

The THE ranking 2024 compares and contrasts universities on education (its international reputation, for instance, and student/staff ratio), research (its international reputation, for instance, and research revenues by researcher), citations, revenues from the private sector, and international orientation.

US News - #80 in Psychology & Psychiatry worldwide

The US News ranking 2023 focuses on international and regional research reputation, number of publications, number of prestigious publications, and international cooperation and collaboration.

Shanghai ARWU - Top 60 in Psychology worldwide

The Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects 2023 focuses on the number of publications, citation impact, international collaboration, and publications in top journals.

QS - #41 in Psychology worldwide

The QS ranking 2023 focuses on scientific reputation, employer reputation, citations by researcher, and H-index.

More information on our programs in the field of Psychology