Limits to atyhpical work

Limits to atypical work

Gain insight in the social security position of atypical workers, more specifically in the social protection of platform workers and self-employed workers without personnel.


  • Social security
  • Flex work
  • Platform workers
  • Self-employed workers without personnel


Runs until December 2021 and is financed by Institute Gak.

Official Project Title

 ‘Limits to atypical work: flexwork and self-employment assessed on the European principles of social security law’

Project in short

The project tries to gain insight in the social security position of atypical workers, more specifically in the social protection of platform workers and self-employed workers without personnel. The regulation of social security – or the lack of regulation -  is mapped in different countries (and compared for France, Spain, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands). Subsequently, the cross-border effect will be analysed in the frame of the free movement of citizens.


Alberto Barrio Fernandez
  • PhD Defense. Dissertation Social Security and Platform Work: Towards a more transparent and inclusive path, 27 August 2021
  • National approaches to platform work’, Conferentie Atypische arbeidsvormen in de werknemersverzekering, Amsterdam, 9 May 2019 
  • ‘Social security protection of platform work: Looking under the hood’, Travail et emploi á l’ére du capitalisme de plataforme, Université Paris Dauphine, Paris, 6 June 2018.
  • Flexible employment from the perspective of social security’, 10th Seminar for young researchers on “European Labour Law and Social Law”, Levenbach Institute, Utrecht, 10 March 2017
Saskia Montebovi
  • ‘Platformarbeid als onderdeel van de digitale economie: Een blik vanuit het arbeidsrecht en het socialezekerheidsrecht’, 2x presentatie i.s.m. Marko Jovovic, bij LabourLawLands Maarssen, 21 November 2019
  • ‘De toekomst van de arbeidsmarkt: een werkend sociaal Nederland en/in een werkend sociaal Europa’, presentatie bij SER, Den Haag, 22 May 2019
  • ‘De sociale zekerheid van de zelfstandige/platformwerker in Nederland en in Europa’, Conferentie Atypische arbeidsvormen in de werknemersverzekering, Amsterdam, 9 May 2019 met link
  • ‘Platform work: challenging the social protection of workers’, Advoc Employment Law Conference, Eindhoven, 12 April 2019
  • ‘Workers in the collaborative economy and social security coordination’, Annual Conference on European Social Security Law 2018, Academy of European Law (ERA), Trier (Germany), 24-25 May 2018
    • If the work of atypical workers in the collaborative economy gets more mobile and temporary and these workers are not bound anymore by a state, an employer or a client, then their social security position turns out to be uncertain and unclear. The sustainability of the social security systems is also at stake if these atypical workers do not or not much contribute to the social security systems. National as well as European rules are not (yet) geared to these hybrid workers; that’s also proven by an assessment of the applicability of Regulation 883/2004 and 987/2009 to these new category of workers. Initiatives for a European and pan-European approach are needed.
  • ‘Sociale zekerheid en de niet-standaard werkenden: hoe sociaal en hoe zeker?', Nederlands Instituut voor Sociale Zekerheid (NISZ), Studiemiddag Platformeconomie, Den Haag, 19 April 2018
    • Who are the non-standard workers and (how) is their social security position in the Netherlands organized? In this Dutch presentation the question was about which activities should be taken into account for the contributions to the social security system en which protection can/should the non-standard workers expect from the government? Ideas for possible solutions through new law and policy initiatives were mentioned.
Paul Schoukens
  • “Platform work and the use of minimum thresholds in social security” in Workshop ‘Between Capital and the State: Autonomous Workers, the Platform Economy, and the Challenge of Labor Regulation’, KU Leuven/CESO, 21 February 2018.
  • “Social protection of non-standard workers”, in Conference The platform economy – Legal status of online intermediaries, 19 February 2018, Leuven, KU Leuven – Faculty of Law
  • ‘The changing concept of work: When does typical work become atypical in social security?’, Social Situation Monitor Research Seminar ‘Social Protection in the changing world of work’, London School of Economics, 12 January, Brussels
  • “New forms of work and social security – A European overview”, International seminar “The ethical aspects of the work in the digital age”,  Associazioni Cristiane Lavoratori Italiani and Consiglio Italiano Movimento Europeo, Brussels, 22-23 November 2017.
  • “New work forms challenging traditional social security, High Level Conference EU Presidency “Future of work: Making it e-Easy, Employment, Social Policy Health and Consumer Affairs Council (EPSCO), Tallinn, 13-14 September 2017 
  • “New forms of work and social security: the experience of EU countries”, 24 April 2017, International seminar on “New forms of education, labour and social security”, Centre for European Constitutional Law, Athens.
  • Discussant External Dimension of EU social security co-ordination, Brussel, 16 February 2017, Transmic Workshop georganiseerd door Universiteit Maastricht en Universiteit Antwerpen.
  • “The changing concept of work: when does typical work become atypical?”, 22 September 2016, Oslo, Norwegian national section of the EISS, “Social Security and the changing concept of work” 22-23 September 2016, Oslo, European Institute of Social Security


In the context of this project
  • Schoukens, P., & Montebovi, S. (2019). ZZP'ers sociaal verzekeren: Welk vangnet is er (nodig)? Ars Aequi2019 (05), 354-359
  • Schoukens, P., Barrio Fernandez, A., & Montebovi, S. (2018), ‘Social protection of non-standard workers: the case of platform work’, in: B. Devolder (ed.), The Platform economy. Unravelling the Legal Status of Online Intermediaries, Cambridge – Antwerp – Chicago: Intersentia 2018, p.227-258.
  • Schoukens, P., Barrio Fernandez, A., & Montebovi, S. (2018). The EU social pillar: An answer to the challenge of the social protection of platform workersEuropean Journal of Social Security2018, Volume 20(Issue nr.3), 219-241.
  • S. Montebovi, A. Barrio & P. Schoukens, 'De sociale zekerheid en de niet-standaard arbeidsrelaties: ontwikkelingen in Europa en Nederland', Tijdschrift Recht en Arbeid, TRA 2017/82, Vol.10 (special).
  • P. Schoukens, P. & A. Barrio, 'The changing concept of work: When does typical work become atypical?', European Labour Law Journal, 8(4), 2017.
  • Publications in preparation.
With other authors, about atypical work
  • Montebovi, S., ter Weel, B., van den Berg, L., Boumans, S., Dekker, F., van de Glind, P., Megens, A., Starink, B., de Vries, G., Bussink, H. & van Kesteren, J., ‘ Keuzes in sociale zekerheid’, 18 Dec 2019, Amsterdam: SEO Economisch Onderzoek. (SEO rapport; vol. 2019, no. 109)
  • S. Klosse en S. Montebovi, ‘Sociale zekerheid voor zelfstandigen: hoe regel je dat? Een blik over de grenzen.’, TRA 2020/3
  • A. Barrio & N. Zekic, 'Connecting Crowd-Work with Work-Life Balance: Mission Impossible?', Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations, vol. 98, 2017.