Collaboration in Research PBLL

Partners Department of Private, Business & Labour Law

Our staff work closely together with both national and international partners.

Institute GAK

Instituut Gak (in Dutch) aims to contribute to the quality of social security and the labour market in the Netherlands by investing in social projects, research and chairs.

The Center of Expertise Labour Migrants

The Center of Expertise Labour Migrants (Het Kenniscentrum Arbeidsmigranten - in Dutch) gathers, combines and enriches knowledge and expertise on the position of migrant workers on the labour market, in the economy and in society.

In the past

In the past the Department of Private, Business & Labour Law was closely connected to:

  • Center for Company Law (CCL)
    Combined research in the fields of Corporate, Securities, and Tax Law.
  • ReflecT
    Former Interdiciplinary Research Institute for Flexicurity, Labour Market Dynamics and Social Cohesion.
    Read more about Reflect
  • Tilburg Institute for Private Law (TIP)
    Former research center of Private Law at Tilburg University. Aimed to promote-high quality research and teaching in private law, with a focus on Dutch and European private law.
    Read more about TIP