Campus - Studium Generale - Epic Poetry Party

Arthur Kok

Arthur Kok was presented as Campus Poet 2013 during the celebration, organized by Academic Forum at the university, on the occasion of National Poetry Day 2013. In this capacity, he succeeded poets like Lars Bregonje, Karel Soudijn, Nathan de Groot, and Andrew Cartwright. Arthur Kok is a postdoc researcher at the Tilburg School of Humanities.

Arthur on Campus Poethood

In these times of smooth career talk, overly keen TED talks, and high-ranking top publications, the inner person yearns for some language that just wants to be, and nothing more. A clearing in a forest. A non-effective thought. Maybe even a critical comment. Just juggling words about nothing.

The Campus Poet provides a valuable contribution to campus life. In my view, his or her role is not limited to reciting a poem on this or that occasion. The Campus Poet adds cultural color to the campus. In the past year, I received various requests, ranging from poetically extemporizing at a conference, composing clever rhymes for Univers, telling a story at an economics symposium, a ‘thank-you poem’ for a professor, etc. All different and challenging precisely because they were so diverse. I also consider being Campus Poet a way to make poetry more accessible. It is from this conviction also that, together with a theater director, among others, I made ‘Poetry Lab: The Setting’ for Night University, a theatrical journey taking the audience on a tour of Tilburg poetic talents, from one poet to the next. Together with former Campus Poet Andrew Cartwright, I developed the poem-writing workshop ‘Poetry Beef’ as a kick-off to the election campaign for the new Campus Poet.

The jury especially appreciated the following poem by Arthur (Dutch).


In mijn plaatselijke supermarkt
is tegenwoordig ook een wetenschap
vol met nutjes en snufjes
en hier en daar een smikkelhard methoodje
Gisteren viel er plots zo'n psycholiegertje uit
nou, de hele zaak in rep en roer
dat de filiaalmanager erbij moest komen
Vandaag liggen ze weer rustig
ook de profjes
lichtbeschaamd te theoretiseren
hoe zich ditmaal voor de consument
te etaleren


Performances of Arthur Kok in 2013
February 15 Proza-C, an evening party for book lovers living in Amsterdam and Tilburg. Watch his performance here .
April 14 recital at the POLIS-symposium 'Strategic decision making.'

April 20

performance at the 'Dag van de filosofie', together with cellist Jacqueline Hamelink. A five-minute performance around the day theme "Crime and Punishment." From 14:55 to 15:00 in the main hall of the Nwe Vorst.
May 3 Arthur Kok presents the "Literary Salon" on Liberty, he interviews A.H.J. Dautzenberg and recites some poems. From 15:00 to 17:00 in the bookstore "Books 4 Life" (in the basement of the building Cobbenhagen, Tilburg University).
Oktob er 3 Theatrical "Poetry Lab: The Setting" with various poets from Tilburg during a tour of the monumental building Academia, specially developed for the annual campus festival Night University.
November 21 Dies Natalis, together with cellist Jacqueline Hamelink and singer/songrwiter Marlon Penn in a musical reflection around research and education at Tilburg Law School and Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences.
December 7 "Poetry Beef", a workshop and launch of the campaign for the search for the new campus poet, which supports upcoming poets and challenges experienced poets in writing poems.