Student entrepreneurship at Tilburg University

Customer Interviews

Make sure you ask the right questions when you talk to customers to validate your assumptions. Steve Blank calls this process Customer Discovery and clearly describes what you should not do to prevent you from drawing the wrong conclusions. Surveys, questionnaires, conversations with friends and family are examples of this. What you have to do is look at what your customers are doing, enter into discussions with customers and ask about behavior.

Steve Blank receives worldwide recognition for his knowledge of Customer Development, is professor of Entrepreneurship at Stanford University and the author of four books.

What do you get out of it?

You avoid wasting time and money by basing your validation on the correct customer information.

Get started quickly

View the Steve Blank presentation and various videos on this subject, go outside and talk to customers. By doing, you learn what the right questions are.

Want to know more?

Do customer responses provide information that you cannot validate your assumptions? Then you make a pivot and test your new assumptions again.

Or watch these video's about Customer Interviews: