Studium Generale

Contact Studium Generale

At Studium Generale, we collaborate a great deal with study and student associations and with other parties. We are also regularly contacted by researchers. We believe that our programs are only truly successful if there is a relationship and dialogue with internal and external researchers. We are always open to ideas and suggestions for programs that fit our objectives. Please feel free to contact us.

Collaborate with Studium Generale

  • Do you have an idea?
  • Would you like to collaborate with us?
Please contact us

Postal address

Studium Generale
P.O. box 90153
5000 LE Tilburg

The Netherlands

Visiting address

Tilburg University
Koopmansbuilding, 11th floor
Warandelaan 2, 5037 AB Tilburg

Route to Tilburg University  

Phone and e-mail

Phone: + 31 (0)13 - 466 3129 (secretariat)

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