woman with camera

TOP Week 2020 welcomes new students to Tilburg with online and offline program

Published: 05th August 2020 Last updated: 05th August 2020

Because of the corona crisis, students who are new to Tilburg will be introduced to the city, life as a student, and each other, both online and offline this year. The Tilburg Orientation Program (TOP) Week, the introduction week for freshman students of Tilburg University and Fontys and Avans Universities of Applied Sciences, will take place from Monday, August 24, till Friday, August 28, taking into account the RIVM guidelines that apply at that time.

Online TOP Week

TOP Week will be offered on an interactive platform, called IntroCloud. Students can participate in the activities by means of a web app; they can do workshops, make a city tour, meet the study, student, and sports associations, and ask all their questions. In addition, information on the city of Tilburg and Tilburg University is available on the platform.

Offline activities

As part of the offline activities, participants can enjoy a Pub quiz in the Willem II stadium, get to know the Tilburg associations at the Explore 013 Fair that will take place in Spoorpark, and, on the fields of the Tilburg University Sports Center, exercise in the Sports Class. The definitive form of the physical activities will depend on the guidelines of the RIVM (National Institute for Public Health and the Environment) in August.

Here are some of the activities:

  • On Monday, getting to know fellow students is central. Students are introduced to their groups and conclude the day with a pub quiz in the Willem II stadium, where they will learn more about Tilburg.
  • On Tuesday, participants visit the Explore 013 (Online) Fair. Here they can explore, among other things, all the student, study, and sports association in the student city of Tilburg. This information fair will take place online as well as offline. In the evening, participants can meet the four large student associations in Tilburg during “Meet The Big Four”. This activity takes place every day: both online and offline at the four largest student associations.
  • Wednesday focuses on the city. Participants get to know their way around Tilburg through an online tour of the city. It is also possible to explore the city in real time with an offline city tour; every day, different sets of groups will be given this opportunity. It was of course impossible to remove the famous TOP Cantus from the program. On Wednesday night, the participants will be introduced to this Tilburg tradition. The activity will take place online, but it is also possible to watch the TOP Cantus at one of the four largest student associations.
  • On Thursday, participants can taken an online sports class for some exercise; at the Tilburg University Sports Center, participants can practice more sports offline. The day ends with an online symposium in which the subject of “uncertainty” is discussed from various perspectives. It is also possible to watch the Symposium at one of the four largest student associations.
  • On Friday, the last day, participants will have the opportunity to do a workshop. In the evening, TOP Week will be concluded in a festive atmosphere with the online TOP Festival. This activity, too, can be watched at one of the four largest student associations.

Registration and program

Detailed program information is available at www.top-week.nl/en. Updates can also be found on the social media channels: Instagram (topweek013) and Facebook (TOP Week).

Note to editors

For further information, please contact Féline de Vries, Vice-President of the TOP Foundation, +31 6-3601 7072 / e-mail top@tilburguniversity.edu or via the press officers at +31 13 – 466 4000 / persvoorlichters@tilburguniversity.edu.