Bachelors Tilburg University

Part-time Bachelor’s programs

There are various reasons why people choose to study part-time. In addition to a current job, you might want to dive into a certain area of interest or look for in-depth knowledge. You may want to broaden your professional perspective and increase your chances on the labor market. Or you choose to combine studying with your career and/or personal life.

We currently offer two of our Bachelor's programs in part-time:

  • Theology (School of Catholic Theology)
  • Philosophy (mainly taught in Dutch, School of Humanities and Digital Sciences)

The difference between full-time and part-time

The curriculum of the part-time program is the same as the full-time program. However, you do study at an adjusted pace and will take longer to complete the program. How long exactly depends on your prior education and the Bachelor's you choose. You attend lectures during the day or in the evening.

Costs and tuition fees

There is no special rate for part-time programs. The costs are the same as those of a full-time Bachelor's.
Costs will be higher when you already have a Bachelor's degree and are following a second Bachelor’s program, both for a full-time and part-time study.

Personalized advice

If you are considering a part-time Bachelor's, it is wise to seek advice from the education coordinator of the school at which you want to take the program. They can tell you what to expect, help you look at options and explore what your study path will look like in your specific situation. This interview is a good starting point to determine whether a part-time Bachelor's suits you. 

Would you like to get to know Tilburg University up close?

Our activities can help you decide which university and study program are the right choice for you. Throughout the year you have the opportunity to learn more about Tilburg University and the Bachelor's programs that we offer.