Tilburg University logo statue

Board of Governors

Tilburg University is a so-called 'special university'. Unlike the state universities, Tilburg University comes under a private-law foundation. The Board of Governors functions as a supervisory council and monitors the objectives of the foundation, including its open Catholic identity.

Tilburg University is a so-called 'special university'. Unlike the state universities, Tilburg University comes under a private-law foundation. The Board of Governors functions as a supervisory council and monitors the objectives of the foundation, including its open Catholic identity.

The Board of Governors

  • Mr. H. Reumkens, LLM (chairman)
  • Mrs. M.R. Leijten
  • Mr. Prof. G.J. van den Berg
  • Mr. J.H.P.M. van Lange
  • Mrs. Prof.  E. Demerouti


More information can be obtained from: the official secretary to the Board of Governors: