Tilburg University Magazine -  De mate van angst voor het coronavirus

Afraid of the coronavirus

Knowledge Snacks Annemeike Tan

Also hunger for knowledge? Fancy a snack? Watch this knowledge clip about the research of Tilburg University researcher Gaëtan Mertens, in which he talks about his research on tracking levels fear of for the coronavirus.

Many people are afraid of the coronavirus (COVID-19). Fear is an appropriate emotion as long as the pandemic is ongoing. However, once under control, it is important that fear for the coronavirus and related safety behaviours decline. Otherwise, prolonged fear could have unwanted consequences such as mental distress (at the individual level) and economic recession (at the level of countries). Gaëtan Mertens (Medical and Clinical Psychology) is affiliated with the Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences.

This knowledge clip is part of #newcommon - a series on research on the corona crisis.

The 'New Common'

The corona crisis has compounded major societal challenges. Tilburg University shares knowledge and insights to reshape our society. We are happy to discuss this New Common.

Date of publication: 18 January 2021