migrant workers

COVID-19 among migrants in the Central Mediterranean region

Knowledge Snacks Annemeike Tan

Also hunger for knowledge? Fancy a snack? Watch this knowledge clip about the research of Tilburg University professor Mirjam van Reisen, in which she talks about her research on COVID-19 and movement among migrants in the Central Mediterranean region.

Under-detection of COVID-19 infection, coupled with high movement amongst vulnerable, health-fragile migrants, poses a risk to the management of COVID-19 in the Central Mediterranean. Little information is available on (suspected) infection incidence and migrants’ movements. This undermines control of the crisis, migrants’ health and poses risks in Europe as destination. Open real-time data on (suspected) incidence of COVID-19 infections amongst migrants, their location and movements, is critical for researchers and policy-makers. Mirjam van Reisen (International Relations, Innovation and Care) is affiliated with the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences.

This knowledge clip is part of  #newcommon - a series on research on the corona crisis

The 'New Common'

The corona crisis has compounded major societal challenges. Tilburg University shares knowledge and insights to reshape our society. We are happy to discuss this New Common.

Date of publication: 26 January 2021