Tilburg University promotie PhD Defense

Promotie K.A.E. Jansen MSc

Datum: Tijd: 13:30 Locatie: Aula

Essays on Institutional Investors, Portfolio Choice, and Asset Prices

This dissertation is a collection of five independent chapters that aim to better understand the investment decisions of institutional investors. Summarizing, this dissertation has three main findings. First, regulation drives a large part of the investment decisions of institutional investors. Second, their investment decisions matter for asset prices. And third, their investment decisions have important welfare implications for the investors where we ultimately care about, namely, the households.

Kristy A.E. Jansen obtained her Bachelor degree in Econometrics, Master degree in Quantitative Finance and Actuarial Science, and Research Master degree in Finance from Tilburg University. After obtaining her Master degrees in 2016, Kristy started her PhD under the supervision of prof. dr. Bas J.M. Werker, prof. dr. Theo E. Nijman, and prof. dr. Dirk W.G.A. Broeders at the Finance department of Tilburg University.

Throughout her PhD she was a research affiliate of De Nederlandsche Bank. Since September 2020, she is a research fellow of Tilburg University and a data scientist at De Nederlandsche Bank.

  • Locatie: Cobbenhagen building, Aula 
  • Promotores: prof. dr. B.J.M. Werker, prof. dr. T.E. Nijman, prof. dr. D.W.G.A. Broeders

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