Publicaties Kwaliteit van Huisarts- en ziekenhuiszorg

Hieronder staan de meest recente publicaties van de Academische werkplaats 'Kwaliteit van Huisarts- en ziekenhuiszorg'.

  1. Netwerken en samenwerking - Voor het verbeteren van patiëntveiligheid (2023)

    Roest, M. (2023). Netwerken en samenwerking: Voor het verbeteren van patiëntveiligheid. Tranzo, Tilburg University.
  2. Beyond transformational leadership in nursing - A qualitative study on rebel nurse leadership‐as‐practice (2023)

    Kok, E. D., Weggelaar, A. M., Reede, C., Schoonhoven, L., & Lalleman, P. (2023). Beyond transformational leadership in nursing: A qualitative study on rebel nurse leadership‐as‐practice. Nursing Inquiry, 30(2), Article e12525.
  3. Care by general practitioners for patients with asthma or COPD during the COVID-19 pandemic. (2023)

    Rijpkema, C., Ramerman, L., Homburg, M., Meijer, E., Muris, J., olde Hartman, T., Berger, M., Peters, L., & Verheij, R. A. (2023). Care by general practitioners for patients with asthma or COPD during the COVID-19 pandemic. npj Primary Care Respiratory Medicine, 33(1), Article 15.
  4. Dutch GP healthcare consumption in COVID-19 heterogeneous regions - An interregional time-series approach in 2020-2021 (2023)

    Homburg, M. T., Berger, M., Berends, M., Meijer, E., Kupers, T., Ramerman, L., Rijpkema, C., de Schepper, E., Olde Hartman, T. C., Muris, J., Verheij, R. A., & Peters, L. (Accepted/In press). Dutch GP healthcare consumption in COVID-19 heterogeneous regions: An interregional time-series approach in 2020-2021. BJGP Open.
  5. Estimating healthcare expenditures after becoming divorced or widowed using propensity score matching (2023)

    Meulman, I., Loef, B., Stadhouders, N., Moger, T. A., Wong, A., Polder, J. J., & Uiters, E. (2023). Estimating healthcare expenditures after becoming divorced or widowed using propensity score matching. European Journal of Health Economics, 24(7), 1047-1060.
  6. General practices' experiences with patients' web-based access to medical records - Survey study (2023)

    Keuper, J., Batenburg, R., Van Tuyl, L., & Verheij, R. (2023). General practices' experiences with patients' web-based access to medical records: Survey study. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 25(4), Article e41832.
  7. Good health care for a good life? - The case of down syndrome (2023)

    Van Den Driessen Mareeuw, F. A., Coppus, A. M. W., Delnoij, D. M. J., & De Vries, E. (2023). Good health care for a good life? The case of down syndrome. Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 20(2), 147-157.
  8. Healthcare utilization patterns for knee and hip osteoarthritis before and after changes in national health insurance coverage - A data linkage study from the Netherlands (2023)

    Dros, J. T., van Dijk, C. E., Bos, I., Meijer, W. M., Chorus, A., Miedema, H., Veenhof, C., Arslan, I. G., Meijboom, B. R., & Verheij, R. A. (2023). Healthcare utilization patterns for knee and hip osteoarthritis before and after changes in national health insurance coverage: A data linkage study from the Netherlands. Health Policy, 133, Article 104825.
  9. Lessons learned from the development of a national registry on dementia care and support based on linked national health and administrative data (2023)

    van der Heide, I., Francke, A. L., Döpp, C., Van Hout, H. P. J., Verheij, R. A., & Joling, K. J. (2023). Lessons learned from the development of a national registry on dementia care and support based on linked national health and administrative data. Learning Health Systems, Article e10392. Advance online publication.
  10. Low adoption of video consultations in post-COVID-19 general practice in Northern Europe - Barriers to use and potential action points (2023)

    Assing Hvidt, E., Atherton, H., Keuper, J. J., Kristiansen, E., Lüchau, E. C., Lonnebakke Norberg, B., Steinhauser, J., van den Heuvel, J., & van Tuyl, L. (2023). Low adoption of video consultations in post-COVID-19 general practice in Northern Europe: Barriers to use and potential action points. Journal of Medical Internet Research (JMIR), 25, Article e47173.