Research Tilburg School of Humanties and Digital Sciences

PhD tracks for professionals

In a general sense, all professors and research programs of the Tilburg School of Humanities and Digital Sciences (TSHD) offer external professionals the opportunity to work on a PhD thesis. Researchers at TSHD can offer these professionals supervision in their PhD research in a range of different fields.

Some more specific PhD tracks:

Teachers: Research on language, communication or children's and young adult literature

Qualified teachers in elementary, secondary or higher education can do PhD research next to their jobs. It may even be possible to get a PhD grant for this. You can do research on the role of communication in education, on language teaching, or on children's and young adult literature. For more information or support in writing a research proposal, please contact Dr. Rian Aarts (language), Prof. Emiel Krahmer (communication) or Dr. Sara Van den Bossche (children's and young adult literature).

Getting a PhD in the Arts

Artists and other professionals in the cultural field can do PhD research characterized by its being an interplay between arts and sciences. For more information and support in writing a research proposal, please contact Prof. Odile Heynders.