

View our general reading list and learn more about the antiquity in the field of History of international law.

 Bederman, David, J.

  • International Law in Antiquity (Cambridge UP 2001)

Buis, Emiliano

Taming Ares. War, Interstate Law, and Humanitarian Discourse in Classical Greece (Leiden and Boston 2018).

Gruen,  Erich S.

  • The Hellenistic World and the Coming of Rome (Berkeley etc.: University of California Press 1994).

May, Larry

  • Ancient Legal Thought. Equity, Justice, and Humaneness from Hammurabi and the Pharaohs to Justinian and the Talmud (Cambridge UP 2019).

Phillipson, Coleman

  • The International Law and Custom of Ancient Greece and Rome (2 vols., London: Macmillan 1911).

Preiser, Wolfgang

  • ‘Die Epochen der antiken Völkerrechtsgeschichte’, Juristenzeitung, 23-24 (1956) 737-44.
  • ‘Zum Völkerrecht der vorklassischen Antike’, Archiv des Völkerrechts, 4 (1954) 257-88.

Watson, Alan

  • International Law in Archaic Rome. War and Religion (Baltimore and London: John Hopkins University Press 1993).

Ziegler, Karl-Heinz

  • ‘Das Völkerrecht der römischen Republik’ in Hildegard Temporini (ed.), Aufstieg und Untergang der römischen Welt (Berlin and New York: Walter de Gruyter 1972), vol. 1, 68-114.
  •  ‘Conclusion and Publication of International Treaties in Antiquity’, Israel Law Review, 29 (1995) 233-49.
  • ‘Regeln für den Handelsverkehr in Staatsverträgen des Altertums’, Legal History Review, 70 (2002) 55-67.

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