Charlotte van Oirsouw

Charlotte van Oirsouw

PhD Candidate

TLS: Tilburg Law School


Charlotte is a PhD candidate in the interdisciplinary NWO-MVI research project 'Blockchain in the Network Society - In search of transparency, trust and legitimacy'

Her research concerns the use of new technologies by governments and the questions that the use of these new technologies pose to constitutional and administrative law. 

Charlotte holds a degree in Law & Technology (LL.M.) from Tilburg University and a degree in Law &  Economics (LL.M.) from Utrecht University (cum laude).

Recent publications

  1. A constitutional identity for the EU?

    de Poorter, J., van der Schyff, G., Stremler, M., De Visser, M., Leijten, I., & van Oirsouw, C. (Eds.) (2023). A constitutional identity for the EU? (European Yearbook of Constitutional Law ; Vol. 4). T.M.C. Asser Press | Springer.
  2. Introduction - Exploring the concept of a constitutional identity for…

    van der Schyff, G., Leijten, I., van Oirsouw, C., de Poorter, J., Stremler, M., & De Visser, M. (2023). Introduction: Exploring the concept of a constitutional identity for the European Union. In J. de Poorter, G. van der Schyff, M. Stremler, M. De Visser, I. Leijten, & C. van Oirsouw (Eds.), A constitutional identity for the EU? (pp. 1-12). (European Yearbook of Constitutional Law ; Vol. 4). T.M.C. Asser Press | Springer.
  3. Chain - connecting the dots - Aflevering 1: Van idee tot onderzoek

    van Oirsouw, C., Keymolen, E., Goossens, J., & Meyers, G. (2023). Chain - connecting the dots: Aflevering 1: Van idee tot onderzoek. Digital or Visual Products, .
  4. Chain - connecting the dots - Aflevering 2: Casestudies

    van Oirsouw, C., Goossens, J., Keymolen, E., & Meyers, G. (2023). Chain - connecting the dots: Aflevering 2: Casestudies. Digital or Visual Products, .
  5. Chain - connecting the dots - Aflevering 3: Voorbij het eigen perspec…

    van Oirsouw, C., Goossens, J., Keymolen, E., & Meyers, G. (2023). Chain - connecting the dots: Aflevering 3: Voorbij het eigen perspectief. Digital or Visual Products, .

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