Tilburg University biedt hulp bij (studie)problemen

Who to turn to when I have problems, either or not related to my studies?

Do not let little problems get out of hand. Do not hesitate sign up for one of the workshops, trainings or courses mentioned below. They are here to help you!

How do I know if I study well?

Workshops and training courses are regularly given in which you learn how to study. The education coordinators can advise or guide you, for instance through a course on time management. This guidance can even take place via e-mail.

Which trainings, workshops and courses can I follow?

Interested in other trainings or courses for later on in your study career?

Check the overview of Trainings, workshops and courses.

What to do in case of study delay?

You are obliged to immediately report to one of Deans of Students in the event of any form of (expected) study delay. They can advise you on the next logical step in your study career, and assist you if you want to rely on an exception rule or financial compensation due to potential delays.

  • If you run into so much delay that you might not get past the Binding Study Advice (BSA) threshold, you definitely need to contact a Dean of Students. Deans of Students in their recommendation to the Examination Board can advise them to postpone their decision by a year.
  • If you have a visa for studying, you need to acquire at least 50% of your credits (30 ects) each year. If not, Tilburg University has to report you to the IND. If you have reported special circumstances during the academic year, you may be allowed to stay on and continue your program. It is really important therefore to report circumstances that cause delay.