Studying for exams

ECTS Grading System

The grading system is a key issue in the recognition process for students participating in international mobility programs.

Due to varying cultural and academic histories, European countries have developed different grading systems, and different ways of using them within the country. It is important to acknowledge these differences, but also to create ways of transparency, ensuring that grades are understandable in all countries, subject areas, and institutions. This web page provides information on how Tilburg University makes this possible. 


To ensure transparent and coherent information on the performance of the individual student, Tilburg University (like all other European universities) offers a statistical distribution table of the passing grades awarded in the program or field of study that the individual student followed. This ECTS grading table is made specifically for the designated program. This facilitates fair treatment of incoming students on their return to the sending institution.

Grade distribution tables as provided with the diplomas to the students display how the existing national or institutional scale is used in the program. They allow for comparison with the statistical distribution of grades in other institutions or countries. They show the passing grades (≥ 6) awarded, and the percentage of students obtaining that grade. Moreover, they are developed in a standardized manner, consisting of groups that are of reliable size in terms of number of students and number of years considered.

Grades used in institution (from highest to lowest passing grade)Number of passing grades awarded to the reference groupPercentage of each grade with respect to the total passing grades awardedCumulative percentage of passing grades awarded

This table is an exemplary grading table as provided by the ECTS Users’ Guide (2015)


When institutions decide to transfer their mobile students’ grades, the university’s employee responsible for the credit transfer should compare the table from his/her reference group with the one of the other institution’s parallel reference group. The position of each grade within these tables can be compared, resulting in the grade conversion.

Partners in joint degree programs have agreed in advance how they process grading and transferring of grades.