Studying for exams

Exam clashes

Do you have two exams in one day? Then submit a request in time not to schedule the exams at the same time.

Send a request by e-mail

Exams for compulsory courses of the same program ánd the same year are not planned on the same day. However, it is impossible to prevent exam clashes in all conceivable combinations.

As soon as two exams are planned on the same day, you can send a request to the planning department* of your school and ask to prevent overlap.

Such an e-mail needs to contain the following information:

  • Your name and ANR and/or student number
  • The course codes and course names involved
  • The date of the Exams
  • Your program (specialization)

Deadline: submit your request in time!

  • The deadline for sending in a request lies 22 working days before the date of the Exam.

Please noteholidays (days Tilburg University is closed) are not included (see Academic Calendar for students).

  • Approximately 4 calendar weeks before the exam date, the examination schedule (for times and rooms) is made. So please make sure that you send your request well in advance.

The best thing to do is go over your examination schedule at the beginning of the semester to see if you have any clashes. If so, send in a request for the entire block, or semester, straight away.

The ‘no overlap’ requests are collected by schools’ planners and communicated with exam organization.

Exam organization will do their utmost to accommodate the requests. Meeting the request made by only one student may not lead to a situation in which a large group of students is allocated to an unfavorable time.

Submitting a request is not a guarantee that it will be honored.

Contact schools' planning departments:

* Schools planning departments can be contacted via: