Gestresste student

Profile Fund 2023-2024

Tilburg University Profile Fund Regulations, Financial Support and Management Participation Grants

Chapter 1 - General provisions

Article 1. Definitions

For the purposes of these regulations, the following definitions apply:

  • Academic year: the year in which the student is enrolled that runs from September 1 through August 31 of the following year;
  • Basic grant period: the first 48 months in which the student receives student finance; in the case of a Master with a predetermined study load of 120 credits, the first 60 months, and in the case of a Master with a predetermined study load of 180 credits, the first 72 months during which the student receives a study grant. In the period from September 2015 till September 2023 this was called the performance-linked student grant period;
  • Committee Grant: a subdivided Management Participation Grant for committee work of substantial scope. Substantial scope refers exclusively to committee work with a duration of at least 4 months;
  • DUO: Education Executive Agency (Dienst Uitvoering Onderwijs);
  • EC: European credit(s), also referred to as credit(s)
  • Financial Support: financial reimbursement from Tilburg University’s Profile Fund to be awarded to a student by virtue of these Regulations;
  • Management Activity: the membership of the board of a Recognized Student Association of a certain scope with full legal capacity, a program committee, the management of a degree program as referred to in Section 9.17 of the Higher Education and Research Act (WHW), the university council or the school council, as well as activities of a management or social nature which, in the opinion of the Executive Board, are also in the interest of Tilburg University or of the education in which students participate, in accordance with the provisions in Section 7.51 (2) (a and b) of the WHW;
  • Management participation grant: Financial Support for a Management Activity;
  • Recognized Student Association: a foundation, association or other organization of a certain scope that carries out activities that contribute to the academic knowledge or personal development of students of Tilburg University and/or the social goal of the University and which as such has also been recognized by the Executive Board of the University, in accordance with Article 21 of these Regulations;
  • Regulations: these Regulations governing the profile fund, financial support and management participation grants of Tilburg University;
  • Student: a natural person enrolled at Tilburg University for a legally recognized full-time higher education program;
  • Student Association: a foundation, association or other organization of a certain scope that carries out activities that contribute to the academic knowledge or personal development of students and/or a social goal and intends to apply for recognition in accordance with Article 22 of these Regulations;
  • TiU: Tilburg University;
  • WHW: The Higher Education and Research Act (Wet op het hoger onderwijs en wetenschappelijk onderzoek).
  • Written/in writing: a written record of an action, including an electronically verifiable method of recording in a correctly addressed email or another electronic means of communication used by Tilburg University;
Article 2. Objective, scope of application and general applicable conditions
  1. These Regulations contain the elaboration of Chapter 7, Title 3, Section 2a of the WHW, which stipulates that the institution’s board may take measures in order to provide financial support to students who, owing to special circumstances, may or are expected to incur a delay in their studies.
  2. Chapters 2 and 3 and Article 28 of these Regulations relate to measures to be taken for the financial support of students in the event one of the special circumstances described in Article 7.51 (2) (c through h) WHW applies. Chapter 4 relates to measures to be taken for the financial support of students in the event of a Management Activity.
  3. A student will only be eligible for Financial Support, including a Management Participation Grant, if the student:
    a. is enrolled at Tilburg University for a legally recognized full-time higher education program;
    b. has incurred or is expected to incur a delay in their studies in connection with a special circumstance as described in Chapter 2, 3 or 4;
    c. is actually participating in a study program.

Chapter 2 - Financial Support for students

Section 1. Financial Support due to special circumstances

Article 3. Scope of application

This chapter applies to students enrolled at Tilburg University for a legally recognized full-time higher education program who are liable to pay the statutory tuition fees and who can claim or have claimed a higher education performance-based grant for that degree program as referred to in the 2000 Student Finance Act.

Article 4. Special circumstances

A student who has fallen behind in their studies can be eligible for Financial Support in the event of the following special circumstances:

a. illness, pregnancy and childbirth on the part of the student;

b. physical, sensory or other disability (handicap or chronic health condition);

c. special family circumstances;

d. a degree program which is not feasible;

d. Talent Status recognized by the Executive Board (as referred to in the current Dual Career TiU Regulations).

Article 5. Conditions

  1. To be eligible for Financial Support, each of the following conditions must be met:
    a.the student has demonstrably fallen behind in their studies as a result of one of the special circumstances referred to in Article 4;
    b. the study delay occurred during the Grant Period;
    c. the student must have complied with the reporting requirement as referred to in Article 6;
    d. the student has fulfilled any written agreements made with the dean of students that relate to preventing or limiting the study delay;
    e. the student is excluded from financial support if the student used the Regulation Flexible Studying for this circumstance during that period.
  2. Furthermore, the following students are eligible for Financial Support:
    a. a student who is enrolled in a Master’s degree program of which the Executive Board has determined, as a consequence of Section 7.4a (8) of the WHW, that this program has a study load of more than 60 credits;
    b. a student who is enrolled in a Bachelor's or Master’s degree program which has not been re-accredited and for which the student has not yet been awarded a degree.
  3. Insofar as the student invokes the special circumstance as referred to in Article 4 (e) of these Regulations, the student must also receive no income from the relevant activities, and, if it concerns rowing, the student must have NOC*NSF status or the student must participate in Vidar’s RTC program.

Article 6. Obligation to notify to the Dean of Students

  1. To be eligible for Financial Support, including cooperating with requests to DUO for a performance-linked student grant in cases of incapacity for work or special circumstances, the student must notify, either independently or otherwise, the Dean of Students of every circumstance referred to in Article 4 (a through d) of these Regulations that could result in a study delay, submitting the prerequisite documentary evidence. See obligation to report study delay. Notifying the education coordinator or a lecturer is not sufficient to be granted eligibility.
  2. The notification as referred to in the first paragraph must be made as soon as possible, but in any event within two months of the special circumstance arising. No Financial Support will be awarded in cases where a study delay arose earlier than two months before the notification, unless it was impossible to give notification sooner.

Article 7. Request for Financial Support

  1. Financial Support can be applied for from six months before the end of the Grant Period to no later than one year after the basic grant period expires.
  2. In derogation from Paragraph 1 of this Article, a student who, before the end of the basic grant period, either deregisters, does not re-enroll or is deregistered by TiU, can apply for Financial Support from two months before the date of deregistration to no later than one year after deregistration from TiU.
  3. If the request is submitted outside the period referred to in Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article, the student will not be eligible for Financial Support and the application shall not be taken into consideration.
  4. The request must be submitted, together with relevant supporting documents, on the approved form, which is available from and must be submitted to the Dean of Students.
  5. The student will receive a decision from the Executive Board on the application within eight weeks of receipt of the relevant documents. The decision shall state the possibilities and the applicable period for lodging an appeal.

Article 8. Determination of Financial Support

  1. The period of delay as a result of the circumstances referred to in Article 4 (a through d) of these Regulations is determined taking into account various factors, including the duration of the special circumstances, the scheduling for the study program, the actual delay incurred and the period within which the delay can be made up. The period of the study delay thus determined, expressed in months, is also the maximum period for which the student will be eligible for Financial Support.
  2. When a student who benefits or has benefitted from the Flexible Studying Regulation falls behind in his studies due to a different special circumstance than the one for which they benefit, or have benefitted, from the Regulation, the period of this delay shall be calculated pro rata for the number of credits of the degree program.
  3. The duration of the Financial Support as referred to in Article 5 (2) (a) of these Regulations shall be equal to the formal nominal duration (expressed in credits) of the relevant degree program minus 60 credits.
  4. The duration of the Financial Support as referred to in Article 5 (2) (b) of these Regulations shall be equal to the formal nominal duration (expressed in months) of the relevant degree program minus the number of months of basic student grant that the student has already received.
  5. The duration of the Financial Support on the basis of the special circumstance referred to in Article 4 (e) of these Regulations shall be three months for each academic year in which the student incurred the study delay and in which the student had Talent Status as recognized by the Executive Board, with a maximum of 12 months over the entire study period.

Article 9. Amount of Financial Support

  1. The Financial Support shall be €318 per month (beginning in September 2022, then increased annually by the percentage by which the statutory tuition rate is increased) plus the additional grant as the student received it in the last month of the basic grant period.
  2. When a student applies for extension of the performance-linked student grant by DUO to be assessed by the dean of students, the amount that DUO shall remit on the loan, plus the amount of the received (temporarily increased) basic grant, and any supplementary grant, is subtracted from the amount stated in Paragraph 1 of this Article.

Article 10. Payment of Financial Support

  1. Payment shall take place on a monthly basis from the first day of the month following the last month of the basic grant period.
  2. The Financial Support takes the form of a gift. The student is responsible for the income tax return.
  3. In the event of Financial Support for a period longer than six months on the grounds referred to in Article 4 (a through d), the Executive Board can impose a best-efforts obligation on the student. In that case, the Financial Support shall be granted from the seventh month on the condition that the best-efforts obligation has been met.
Section 2. Other Financial Support

Article 11. Erasmus+ Supplemental Scholarship (EPA)

  1. Objective: The EPA scholarship is an additional financial contribution to the Erasmus+ Grant. Students who can demonstrate that they have insufficient resources for a Study Abroad period may be eligible for an “Erasmus+ Supplemental Scholarship”. This shall only be the case if a student receives the maximum supplemental grant from DUO.
  2. Conditions: A student shall only be eligible for an EPA scholarship if they have been awarded an Erasmus+ Grant. Furthermore, it must be the first experience studying abroad in the context of the degree program. The student must submit a letter of motivation, the most recent allocation of the maximum supplemental grant by DUO over the six months prior to the application period for the EPA scholarship, and an overview of grades earned.
  3. Award: TiU shall offer four scholarships per academic year. Allocation of the scholarships shall be made on the basis of the study results attained. The person with the highest average study result shall be the first to qualify. If necessary, an interview may form part of the procedure.
  4. Amount: A scholarship for a Study Abroad period shall amount to €2,500 and shall be paid out in the form of a conditional gift. If the student meets the obligations of the Erasmus+ program (including number of credits attained, duration of stay abroad), the conditional gift will be converted into a definite gift. If the student does not meet the Erasmus+ requirements, the scholarship will be reclaimed. When a student has not met the conditions due to special circumstances and he/she reported this on time to a Dean of Students, a decision not to reclaim the scholarship may be taken following the assessment of the Dean of Students. The student is responsible for the income tax return.
  5. Submitting an application: The application must be submitted in writing or by email with the Erasmus+ Coordinator ( on the approved form, before October 15 in the academic year prior to the desired exchange period. Applications submitted after this date will not be taken into account.

Chapter 3 - Financial Support for international students

Article 12. Scope of application

This chapter applies to students who are enrolled at Tilburg University in a legally recognized full-time higher education program for which no degree has yet been awarded, who do not belong to the group of persons referred to in Section 2.2 of the Student Finance Act 2000 (and accordingly are not entitled to a basic grant, performance-linked student grant or another form of student grants and loans and for that reason is not entitled to the Financial Support arranged in Chapter 2), and who owe tuition fees.

Article 13. Special circumstances

Special circumstances that a student can invoke when the student falls behind in their studies are:

  1. illness, pregnancy and childbirth on the part of the student;
  2. physical, sensory or other disability (handicap or chronic health condition);
  3. death of blood relatives in the first degree;
  4. a degree program which is not feasible;
  5. Talent Status recognized by the Executive Board (as referred to in the Dual Career TiU Regulations).
Article 14. Conditions
  1. To be eligible for Financial Support, a student must meet each of the following conditions:
    a.  he student has demonstrably fallen behind in their studies as a result of one of the special circumstances referred to in Article 13.1 through 5;
    b. the study delay occurred during the nominal duration of the degree program;
    c. the student must have complied with the reporting requirement as referred to in Article 15;
    d. the student has fulfilled any written agreements made with the Dean of Students that relate to preventing or limiting the study delay;
    e. the student complies with the age criteria that apply in the Student Finance Act 2000;
    f. the student is excluded from financial support if the student used the Regulation Flexible Studying for this circumstance during that period. 
  2. Insofar as the student invokes the special circumstance as referred to in Article 13.5 of these Regulations, the student must also receive no income from the relevant activities, and, if it concerns rowing, the student must have NOC*NSF status or the student must participate in Vidar’s RTC program.
Article 15. Obligation to notify to the dean of students
  1. To be eligible for Financial Support, the student must notify, either independently or otherwise, the dean of students of every circumstance referred to in Article 13 (a through d) of these Regulations that could result in a study delay, submitting the prerequisite documentary evidence. See obligation to report study delay. Notifying the education coordinator or a lecturer is not sufficient to be granted eligibility.
  2. The notification as referred to in the first paragraph must be made as soon as possible, but in any event within two months of the special circumstance arising. No Financial Support will be awarded in cases where a study delay arose earlier than two months before the notification, unless it was impossible to give notification sooner.
Article 16. Request for Financial Support
  1. The request for Financial Support must be submitted before the end of the final nominal academic year of the degree program in which the study delay has occurred, up to a maximum of three months thereafter. 
  2. If the request is submitted outside the period referred to in Paragraph 1 of this Article, the student will not be eligible for Financial Support and the application shall not be taken into consideration.
  3. The request must be submitted, together with relevant supporting documents, on the approved form, which is available from and must be submitted to the dean of students. .
  4. The student will receive a decision from the Executive Board on the application within eight weeks of receipt of the relevant documents. The decision shall state the possibilities and the applicable period for lodging an appeal.
  5. Depending on the special circumstance that the student is invoking, the following supporting documentation must be submitted. If this documentation is in a language other than Dutch, English or German, a sworn translation may be requested:
    a. declaration from a doctor/psychologist/midwife;
    b. notification of death from the municipal register;
    c. overview of higher education programs enrolled in previously in or outside the Netherlands.
Article 17. Determination of Financial Support

The period of delay is determined taking into account various factors, including the duration of the special circumstances, the scheduling for the study program, the causal link between the circumstances and the actual delay incurred, and the period within which the delay can be made up, on the understanding that the Financial Support will never be provided for a period exceeding three months, regardless of the duration of the actual delay.

Article 18. Amount of the Financial Support
  1. The Financial Support per month amounts to €318 (beginning in September 2022, then increased annually by the percentage by which the statutory tuition rate is increased).
  2. Students who pay the institutional tuition fees based on their nationality, and who can claim Financial Support by virtue of this chapter, will also be eligible for reimbursement of the difference between the institutional tuition fees actually paid and the statutory tuition fees in the year of payment of the Financial Support for a period equal to that of the Financial Support.
  3. The Financial Support is for a maximum of three months per academic year for each of the academic years of the nominal duration of the degree program.
  4. Cumulation of the special circumstances referred to in Article 13 shall never result in Financial Support of more than three months per academic year.
  5. The Financial Support takes the form of a gift. The student is responsible for the income tax declaration.
Article 19. Payment of Financial Support
  1. Payment shall take place on a monthly basis from the first month following the expiry of the nominal study period of the program.
  2. In the event of Financial Support for a period longer than six months on the grounds referred to in Article 13 (a through e) of these Regulations, the Executive Board can impose a best-efforts obligation on the student. In that case, the Financial Support shall be granted from the seventh month on the condition that the best-efforts obligation has been met

Chapter 4 - Financial Support for Management Activities

Article 20. Scope of application

This chapter applies to students enrolled at Tilburg University insofar as they are involved in a Management Activity and liable to pay tuition fees for their degree program.

Article 21. Management Participation Grants Committee
  1. Tilburg University has a Management Participation Grants Committee tasked with distributing Management Participation Grants, advising on the recognition of student associations and the award of individual Management Participation Grants, as well as processing applications for contributions from the incentive fund and organizing the training and education of students actively involved in the management of student associations and organizations.
  2. The Management Participation Grants Committee has the following tasks and authorities:
    a. providing advice of a general nature to the Executive Board and acting as point of contact for student associations and organizations and students with regard to the recognition and award of Management Participation Grants;
    b. providing advice to the Executive Board with respect to applications for recognition as referred to in Article 22;
    c. deciding on behalf of the Executive Board with respect to individual applications for Financial Support as referred to in Article 26.
  3. The Management Participation Grants Committee consists of three staff members of Tilburg University and three student members who are enrolled as students at TiU.
  4. The members of the Management Participation Grants Committee are appointed, suspended and dismissed by the Executive Board. The staff members are appointed for an indefinite period of time. Their appointment ends at the time they leave the employment of the university. The student members are appointed for a period of one year, with a single possibility to extend the appointment by one year. The membership of a student who terminates enrollment at TiU during the academic year will be ended from the date of the enrollment termination.
Article 22. Recognition of a Student Association
  1. A management participation grant can be awarded for students who perform management activities at a student association that has been recognized by the Executive Board after it has obtained the advice of the Management Participation Grants Committee.
  2. For the purpose of recognition, the following groups are distinguished:
    • group 1: participation in decision-making (Section 7.51 (2) (a) WHW);
    • group 2: culture, introduction, work and internship mediation, society and internationalization (Section 7.51 (2) (b) WHW);
    • group 3: faculty study associations (Section 7.51 (2) (b) WHW);
    • group 4: student sport and social clubs (Section 7.51 (2) (b) WHW).
  3. The following are recognized as management activities for group 1:
    • the membership, including chairmanship, of the University Council, the School Council, the management of a degree program or program committee, or the student advisory position of a School Board;
    • membership of management of a foundation the objective of which, according to its bylaws, is to run student facilities for Tilburg University;
    • membership of a body which, in view of the task, the Executive Board deems comparable with the above.
  4. For a student association or organization to be eligible for recognition in group 2, 3 or 4, it must meet the following requirements:
    a. the activities contribute to the academic knowledge or personal development of the student of Tilburg University and the social goal of the university;
    b. the membership and activities are accessible for the student; no unjustified distinction is made;
    c. the association or organization promotes the diversity of members or participants of activities;
    d. when carrying out its activities, the association or organization safeguards the good name and reputation of Tilburg University and the student body;
    e. the association or organization observes the statutory and regulatory provisions;
    f. the association or organization endorses the introductory time code of conduct and the associated values and standards and other general codes of conduct applicable at Tilburg University, and works to ensure a safe and trusted environment where members treat each other with respect.
Article 23. Procedure and determination of recognition
  1. A Student Association that carries out a Management Activity belonging to group 2, 3 or 4 can submit an application for recognition to the Management Participation Grants Committee and/or the Executive Board. The application will be tested in relation to the conditions in these regulations.
  2. The Student Association must submit all relevant information with the application for its assessment, including in any event:
    • a completed recognition application form;
    • the bylaws;
    • the most recent annual report; and
    • an auditor’s opinion (if available) of the membership on 1 October of the academic year concerned.
  3. The Management Participation Grants Committee can request supplementary information from the appointed management of the Student Association and to interview these management members.
  4. For the recognition and associated distribution of Management Participation Grants, the Executive Board observes a cycle of three years. Recognition takes place once every three years. Student associations may submit an application at any time and at most six months before the commencement of the determined three-year cycle. Recognition takes effect as of the next 1 September of the determined three-year cycle. The established cycle begins in the year 2023 and then in 2026, 2029, etc. To be eligible for the next opportunity when recognition can take place,  the application must be submitted no later than 1 February of the corresponding year.
  5. In the two following intervening years, the recognized associations and organizations must submit a completed form designated for the purpose with the annual report to the Management Participation Grants Committee. If necessary, an interview will be held with the management members involved.
  6. Recognition remains in effect for the duration of the three-year cycle. To be eligible for an extension of the recognition, the association or organization must submit another application for recognition.
  7. The Executive Board decides, based on the advice of the Management Participation Grants Committee, no later than June 1 of the year in which recognition for the coming academic year can take effect on the recognition applications and specifies the group in which the recognition takes place.
Article 24. Suspension or interim termination of recognition of a student association

The Executive Board can suspend or terminate the recognition of a Student Association in the interim in the event the Recognized Student Association, or a member or participant thereof, is guilty of socially unacceptable behavior or otherwise compromises the good name and reputation of the university. This will only take place if and to the extent the conduct of the person concerned can reasonably be attributed to the Recognized Student Association. Before the Executive Board decides to suspend or terminate the recognition in the interim, the Recognized Student Association will be given an opportunity to be heard.

Article 25. Allocation of Management Participation Grants
  1. No later than 1 June before the start of each three-year cycle, the Executive Board determines the budget that will be available in that period of three academic years for the allocation of Management Participation Grants, and divides this budget among the groups and the recognized associations. The participation bodies and Recognized Student Associations are informed of the budget and the number of Management Participation Grants that can be allocated to the members of the participation bodies and students to be designated by the Recognized Student Associations. With respect to Management Participation Grants for members of participation bodies, only elected members are eligible for a Management Participation Grant. A Recognized Student Association can opt to have Management Participation Grants subdivided into committee grants.
  2. Students who are eligible for a Management Participation Grant will, on taking up their position, be informed by the participation body or the Recognized Student Association of the number of available months of the Management Participation Grant for their position each year.
  3. No later than 1 October of the academic year, the chair of the participation body or the Recognized Student Association supplies a list to the Management Participation Grants Committee containing the names of the students who, in the opinion of the Recognized Student Association, are eligible for a Management Participation Grant, their positions, and the number of months of a Management Participation Grant for which they are eligible.
Article 26. Individual application for a Management Participation Grant by a student
  1. The student who has performed a management activity for a participation body from group 1 is approached by the Management Participation Grants Committee with the request to complete an application form for the Management Participation Grant. The student must submit the application to the Management Participation Grants Committee no later than June 1 of the year in which the activity takes place.
  2. The student who has performed a management activity for a Recognized Student Association must submit the application for a Management Participation Grant to the Management Participation Grants Committee no later than June 1 of the year in which the activities have taken place.
  3. A student who terminates enrollment at Tilburg University in the interim can submit an interim application no later than eight weeks before the date on which the termination of enrollment takes place.
  4. The student will receive a decision from the Management Participation Grants Committee on behalf of the Executive Board on the application within eight weeks of receipt of the relevant documents. The decision shall state the possibilities and the applicable period for lodging an appeal.
Article 27. Amount and payment of Financial Support
  1. The Management Participation Grant amounts to €318 per month (beginning in September 2022, then increased annually by the percentage by which the statutory tuition rate is increased) and the Committee Grant amounts to half the amount of the management Participation Grant. The sums are awarded in the form of a gift. The student is responsible for the income tax return.
  2. A student who was eligible for a supplementary grant from DUO in their management activities year will be awarded the monthly amount of the supplementary grant in addition to the Management Participation Grant. The reference date for determining the amount is the month of August of the academic year for which the Management Participation Grant is paid out.
  3. The maximum Management Participation Grant is nine months per student per academic year and 11 months per student per academic year in the case of more difficult management positions. A student can be awarded a maximum of 24 months of a Management Participation Grant during their enrollment at Tilburg University.
  4. Payment of the Management Participation Grant is made in the form of a lump sum by Tilburg University on 31 August of the academic year concerned.

Chapter 5 - Final definitions

Article 28. Hardship clause

If rejection of an application for Financial Support or recognition as a student association by virtue of these regulations or the application of provisions in these regulations would lead to unfairness of an overriding nature, the Executive Board can deviate from these regulations.

Article 29. Objections and appeals
  1. A student can lodge an objection to an individual decision taken by virtue of these Regulations to the Objections and Appeals Advisory Committee, see
  2. within six weeks of the announcement of that decision.
  3. Within six weeks after notification of the decision on the notice of objection, the student concerned can appeal to Administrative Jurisdiction Division of the Council of State.
  4. In the event of a (potential) dispute between a Student Association and Tilburg University that relates to a recognition as referred to in these Regulations, the Student Association can apply to the Executive Board, and the Executive Board can request advice from the Management Participation Grants Committee. The Executive Board can instigate a subsequent procedure for the amiable resolution of disputes between a Student Association and Tilburg University to the extent this relates to the recognition as referred to in these Regulations.
Article 30. Transitional and final provision
  1. These Regulations take effect as from September 1, 2023. All previous Regulations in respect of the profile fund adopted by the Executive Board of the University will be revoked effective the date of the coming into force of these Regulations to the extent that it does not concern applications by students relating to the 2022/2023 academic year or earlier. In such cases, the Regulations that applied in that academic year remain in force.
  2. This Regulation is cited as: “Tilburg University Profile Fund Regulations, Financial Support and Management Participation Grants”.