Bezoek onze levendige campus en meld je aan voor één van onze evenementen

Create a planning

It is important that you create an overall planning with study days and weekend days. It is best to differentiate between study days and the weekend. Also, stay in touch with others. For example, have an (online) start of the day together, lunch together, go for a walk together or call.

Sleeping & getting up
  • Ensure that you get enough sleep and relaxation.
  • Go to bed at a set time and try not to use your phone for too long (no more than 10 minutes).
  • Use your bed mainly to sleep and stay in bed for a maximum of 9 hours.
  • Do not start the day by looking at your phone. If need be, you can get a separate alarm clock or wake-up light.
  • Feel restless? Try a mindfulness exercise (e.g. a short body scan)
  • Even if you don't have any physical lectures, structure your days. 
  • Create a routine; get up at set times, get dressed, have breakfast, walk/cycle for 15–30 minutes and immediately start studying. 
  • While studying; store your phone, out of sight (it’s better to check your phone afterwards when you really don’t have to study).
  • Keep studying; create a study routine so you can keep up with the work. And, besides studying, create opportunities for resting, exercise and social interaction.
  • After finishing studying; do some (stretch) exercises, do yoga (online), go out, or meditate. 
  • The area of your brain where you process information needs sufficient rest, good food, and enough nutrition; make sure you eat a healthy and varied diet; plenty of fruit and vegetables. Don't eat too much or too little.
  • Make sure you are sufficiently active (walk, cycle, do sports).
  • Take breaks at set times. Generally speaking, you know best what your attention span is like.
  • Take physically active breaks once or twice a day. Your ability to concentrate will increase by taking a physically active break; you charge up! Taking an active break is an investment in your studies (not a waste of time). Even a short, brisk walk can already have a positive impact.
  • Have an active lunch break at a set time; eat for 20–30 min, then go out to walk/cycle/play football or do a workout for 30 min. Then instantly resume studying (to prevent procrastination).
  • You can use an app like Ommetje to “compete” with your housemates/friends/family.