dr. Cor van Montfort


TLS: Tilburg Law School
TLS: Public Law and Governance


public governance, icl. public accountability

public-private partnerships

livable cities

social housing 

education research 




bachelor course: Supervision, performance measurement and public accountability

Post doc courses: philosophy for managers, public control, performance measurement

supervising two Phd students

supervising 30+ mastertheses


Collaboration with:

Utrecht University - book project ‘partnerships for livable cities’

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam/VO-raad - research and advise ‘enhancing public accountability. How can public accountability contribute to learning and innovation’?

Recent publications

  1. Van rekenschap naar reflectie - Eindverslag project ‘Versterking Vera…

    van Montfort, C., Lindemann, B., Kuitenbrouwer, N., & Bokhorst, M. (2021). Van rekenschap naar reflectie: Eindverslag project ‘Versterking Verantwoording’. https://www.vo-raad.nl/system/downloads/attachments/000/001/239/original/20210412_Eindverslag_Verbetering_Verantwoording_-_definitief_%28002%29.pdf?1619699928
  2. Conclusions - The dynamic and fluid world of partnerships

    van Montfort, C., & Michels, A. M. B. (2020). Conclusions: The dynamic and fluid world of partnerships. In C. van Montfort, & A. Michels (Eds.), Partnerships for livable cities (pp. 335-348). Palgrave Macmillan.
  3. From gray to green cities - Tilburg, Melbourne, San Jose, and Cape To…

    van Montfort, C., & Michels, A. M. B. (2020). From gray to green cities: Tilburg, Melbourne, San Jose, and Cape Town. In C. van Montfort, & A. Michels (Eds.), Partnerships for livable cities (pp. 59-79). Palgrave Macmillan.
  4. Introduction

    van Montfort, C., & Michels, A. M. B. (2020). Introduction. In C. van Montfort, & A. Michels (Eds.), Partnerships for livable cities (pp. 1-14). Palgrave Macmillan.
  5. Partnerships for livable cities

    van Montfort, C., & Michels, A. M. B. (Eds.) (2020). Partnerships for livable cities. Palgrave Macmillan.

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