Corien Prins Corien Prins

Professor of Law and Informatization: Chair Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (Wetenschappelijke Raad voor het Regeringsbeleid - WRR)

TLS: Tilburg Law School


Regulatory challenges and questions around the introduction of digital technologies have been on the research agenda of Corien Prins for three decades. In 1995, she founded what is now the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT), a world-wide renowned research group on law, society and technology. In her academic work Prins has extensively studied emerging technologies and their impact on the individual and society, with a focus on the role of regulation, law and fundamental values and human rights in particular. From 2013 to 2017 Prins served as the dean of Tilburg Law School (TLS). In 2017 she was appointed Chair of the Netherlands Scientific Council for Government Policy (WRR). The task of the WRR focuses on science for policy, more concrete to advise the Dutch government and parliament on strategic issues that are likely to have important political and societal consequences. 


One of the current research foci of Prins is the broader theme of AI, and more specific the use of AI in the judiciary. She aims to understand the interplay between the fundamentals of the process of decision making by judges and the capacities of AI or what AI has to offer. Related to her work on AI, is her research on digital autonomy as well as the implications of the interdependency between the digital world and physical world. As part of this work, she will publish a book (co-authored with dr. E. Schrijvers) at Springer that analyses the constraining ability of (national) governments to act in the situation of a digital disruption (given among others that many digital services are in private hands). Some of the other research foci of Prins are 1) Implications of the use of digital technologies for the role of democracy in a globalized world, 2) the use of digital technologies and personal autonomy, 3. Privacy and personal data protection.



Corien Prins studied Law as well as Slavic Languages at Leiden University. She is an elected member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities (KHMW), the Netherlands Academy of Technology and Innovation (AcTI) and former chair of the Social Science Council of the KNAW. She acted as chair of the Supervisory Board of Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). Also, she was a member of the societal advisory body of NWO.  Prins received the prestigious NJV prize of the Dutch Association of Lawyers, awarded once every two years to a lawyer who has made a special, innovative contribution to the development of law, has shown a personal commitment to it, and is of special social significance. Corien was a visiting professor at Hastings Law School, University of California and lectured in different countries. She founded and was editor-in-chief of the EDI Law Review (1989-2002) Currently, she is member of the editorial board of Computer Law and Security Review, (2014-2020) and Information and Communications Technology Law. She has supervised more than 25 PhD students.

Recent publications

  1. Een internationale rechtsorde voor cyberspionage en intelligence

    Prins, C. (2024). Een internationale rechtsorde voor cyberspionage en intelligence. Nederlands Juristenblad , 2024(8), 507. Article NJB 2024/432.
  2. Wensdenken & herziening van het staatsnoodrecht

    Prins, C. (2024). Wensdenken & herziening van het staatsnoodrecht. Nederlands Juristenblad , 99(1), 5.
  3. Artificiele intelligentie en de rechtspraak - Implicaties van de Euro…

    Prins, C., & van Ettekoven, B.-J. (2023). Artificiele intelligentie en de rechtspraak: Implicaties van de Europese AI Act en de noodzaak van een kompas voor toepassing en beoordeling van AI-systemen. Nederlands Juristenblad , 98(36), 3153-3162.
  4. Bouwen aan een dienstbare informatiehuishouding - Hebben we met een A…

    Prins, C., & Capkurt, F. (2023). Bouwen aan een dienstbare informatiehuishouding: Hebben we met een Algemene Informatiewet het noodzakelijke instrument in handen? Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht, 2023(4), 199-204. Article NTB 2023/128.
  5. Groningen, toeslagen en verplichte opleidingen voor overheidsjuristen

    Prins, C. (2023). Groningen, toeslagen en verplichte opleidingen voor overheidsjuristen. Nederlands Juristenblad , 2023(10), 747.

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