College bij Tilburg University

Minors at Humanities and Digital Sciences

The minor is a compulsory part of your Bachelor’s program in which you are free to choose the courses you want to study. In almost every TSHD Bachelor is room for a minor in year 3 (Philosophy in year 2). With this minor you can give a personal touch to your education. In addition, the minor can provide direction for further education or career prospects.

Minor Market

To help you choose your minor, TSHD is organizing a Minor Market. During this market, TSHD's study advisors and minor-coordinators will be present to answer all your questions. The market will take place on Thursday, May 16, 2024 in the Aula and Foyer between 13.00 - 17.00TSB's Major Minor Market will also take place at the same location, this provides an opportunity to explore these minors as well. We hope to see you there!

Please use the information below to prepare, or to read back after the market:

Are you a TSHD Bachelor student?

During the first and second year of your bachelor’s, there will be more attention for the choice of your minor. On the Canvas page under the your Program Module, you can find more information about the minor options, the ways in which you can fill it in or what your minor should include.

Which minors are available for you?

TSHD minors:

Online Culture


After successful completion of this minor and your Bachelor study program you can be admitted to the Master’s track it has prepared you for.

Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence (not present at the Minor Market)

  • Minor Data Science (only available for bachelor CSAI students - English, 15 ECTS, fall semester)
  • Minor Responsible AI (only available for bachelor CSAI students - English, 18 ECTS, fall semester)

Free Minor (information to follow)

Interdisciplinary minors:

An interdisciplinary minor is a minor consisting of courses from different Schools chosen around a particular theme. With an interdisciplinary minor, you really delve into a subject and broaden your knowledge because you look at the theme from different angles.

Application form

Fill out the application form now

Please note: you need a VPN connection to be able to open this form when you're off-campus. 

Need help?

It is your own responsibility to ensure that you make a conscious and responsible choice. If you need help with this, you can always make an appointment with your Education Coordinator.