TisEM - Jochem de Bresser

Collaborate with Tilburg School of Economics and Management

Join our vast network of industry, government and higher education partners in the Netherlands and world-wide.

Explore the possibilities for collaboration with our School in the area of education and research. Contact us.

Consider joining TiSEM in a research project, establishing a chair by special appointment  or becoming a partner organization in TiSEM’s Extended Master. Consider a professional PhD trajectory for yourself or one of your employees.

Get to know TiSEM's international partners

Collaborative research projects

Through the strong involvement of corporate partners in TISEM’s research, TiSEM is able to contribute to finding solutions to challenging societal problems. By engaging with the governmental actors and actively participating in public debates, TiSEM contributes to shaping public policy in the area of economic policy, taxation, pensions, to name just a few.


by special appointment

PhD for Professionals programs

PPP Economics and PPP Business

partner organizations

Explore TiSEM’s collaborative research projects

Joint research project with CZ

Together with CZ, one of the largest Dutch health insurance companies, TiSEM is involved in a research project that examines the impact of data science on business models and artificial intelligence in the health insurance sector. The research project is worth 1,000K (over the period of 2017-2022).

Press release Tilburg University and CZ pool expertise in Healthcare System Knowledge Institute, March 2021


Three operations research scholars have developed an integrated optimization model for the World Food Program. The model allows to determine the optimal mix of ingredients for a daily meal such that various nutritional requirements are satisfied and the logistics costs (purchasing, transportation, etc.) are minimized. The model has been applied by WFP in several countries already. It is estimated that in Syria along the use of the model allows an additional 1 million people to be fed.

TiSEM and APG do pensions research

Together with APG, financial services provider, TiSEM is involved in an industrial doctorate project financed by Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO). The industrial doctoral project focuses on how individuals can be guided in their choice of a pension as to ensure optimal outcomes for them but also for society at large.

TiSEM cooperates with Nibud in a network game for life-cycle education

Tilburg University closely cooperates with Nibud (National Institute for Family Finance Information), the other Dutch partner in the ANGLE project. This project aims to increase the financial literacy of young people through innovative educational techniques such as online games.

Chairs by special appointment

TiSEM collaborates with an extensive network of industry partners to carry out societally impactful research. Industrial partners driven by an idealistic motivation sponsor a special chair to enhance research and education in an area that is not as yet strongly developed at Tilburg University. Professors appointed to the positions are in most cases also engaged in the industry or have strong links therewith.

Interested in TiSEM’s special chairs?

Chair in Supply Network Dynamics, sponsored by Gemeente Tilburg
Name    prof. dr. H.A. Akkermans
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Management
E-mail    ha@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Financial Infrastructure and Systemic Risk*, sponsored by De Nederlandsche Bank
Name    prof. dr. R.J. (Ron) Berndsen
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Economics
E-mail    r.j.berndsen@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Innovation in Economics, sponsored by the F.J.D. Goldschmeding Foundation
Name    prof. dr. A.L. Bovenberg
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Economics
E-mail    a.l.bovenberg@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Competition and Innovation*, sponsored by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM)
Name    prof. dr. E. (Erik) Brouwer
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Economics
E-mail    e.brouwer@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Fully Funded Pensions, sponsored by Stichting Instituut GAK
Name    prof. dr. C. (Casper) van Ewijk
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Economics
E-mail    c.vanewijk@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Cooperative Financial Services, sponsored by Rabobank
Name    prof. dr. J.M. (Hans) Groeneveld
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Economics

Chair Decision-Making under Uncertainty*, sponsored by ASML
Name    prof. dr. K.J.M. Huisman
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Econometrics and Operations Research
E-mail    k.j.m.huisman@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Food Farming and Agro Business*, sponsored by ZLTO
Name    prof.dr.ir. S. Korver
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Management
E-mail    s.korver@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Organization of Healthcare Chains*, sponsored by Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis
Name    prof.dr.ir. B.R. (Bert) Meijboom
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Management
E-mail    b.r.meijboom@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Organization and financing of the healthcare sector*, sponsored by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa)
Name    dr. M.C. Mikkers RA
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Economics
E-mail    m.c.mikkers@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Pension and Risk Management, sponsored by Stichting Instituut GAK
Name    prof. dr. T.E. Nijman
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Finance
E-mail    nyman@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Economics of Collective Pension Contracts*, sponsored by ABP / APG
Name    prof. dr. E.H.M. (Eduard) Ponds
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Economics
E-mail    e.h.m.ponds@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Corporate Taxation and Corporate Finance*, sponsored by Ernst & Young Tax Advisory
Name    prof.dr.mr. D.S. Smit
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Tax Economics
E-mail    d.s.smit@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair in Purchasing Management, sponsored by NEVI
Name    prof.dr.ir. G.C.J.M. Vos
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Management
E-mail    b.vos@tilburguniversity.edu

Chair Environmental policy and Economics, financed by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency*
Name    prof. dr. H.R.J. Vollebergh
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Economics
E-mail    h.r.j.vollebergh@tilburguniversity.edu

*) Chair by special appointment

Arie Kapteyn Chair

The Arie Kapteyn Chair is an honorary title, by which TiSEM stresses the important role Arie Kapteyn has played in the School’s research. The Chair is awarded to a distinguished TiSEM researcher for a period of three years.

Chair holder June 2019-May 2022
prof. dr. John Einmahl
Tilburg School of Economics and Management
Department of Econometrics and Operations Research
E-mail    j.h.j.einmahl@tilburguniversity.edu