Research Tilburg Law School

Tilburg Law Review Editorial Procedure

1. Submission of a Manuscript

The corresponding or submitting author submits the manuscript to Tilburg Law Review by e-mail at

2. Editorial Office Assessment

The Editorial Board checks the manuscript to make sure it falls under the scope of the journal and is in accordance with the guidelines of Tilburg Law Review. The Editorial Board will only consider submissions which have not been previously published, nor are currently under consideration by another journal. The quality of the manuscript is not assessed at this point.

3. Internal and External Reviewer Assignment

If the submitted manuscript is considered appropriate for the journal, the Executive Managing Editor sends invitations for review to anonymous internal and external reviewers. Internal reviewers are usually PhD-students currently employed by Tilburg Law School and part of the editorial staff of Tilburg Law Review (hence: internal). External reviewers are recognized legal professionals and/or scholars, which are invited to review on the basis of their field of expertise, interest and availability. 

4. Review is Conducted

In case the reviewers accept the invitation for review, the external reviewer will evaluate the paper according to the qualitative and quantitative Tilburg Law Review evaluation forms (see annex). The internal reviewer may submit specific comments in the text of the manuscript for substantive improvement.

Both reviews are submitted to the Editorial Board within an agreed deadline, with a recommendation to accept or reject it – or else with a request for (either major or minor) revision before it is reconsidered.

5. Editorial Office Evaluates the Reviews

The Editorial Board considers the returned reviews before making an initial decision. If the reviews differ widely, the board may invite an additional reviewer so as to get an extra opinion before making a decision.

6. Copy-editor Assignment

If the Editorial Board initially approves the manuscript for publication by the Editorial Board, the Executive Managing Editor assigns the manuscript to a copy-editor. During this stage the formatting, fluency, language, grammar and footnotes are assessed and corrected with track changes. Copy-editors are bachelor- or master-students from Tilburg Law School that are interested in academic research and highly proficient in the English language.

7. Authors’ Response

The Editorial Board forwards the reviewers’ comments and the copy-editor’s corrections to the author. The author is granted the opportunity to consider the suggestions for improvement that the reviewers and the copy-editor put forward.

8. Final Assessment

Once the author returns the amended manuscript, the Editorial Board evaluates whether the author sufficiently addressed the points raised by the reviewers and the copy-editor. If needed, the Editorial Board may assign the manuscript once more to a copy-editor. Otherwise, the Editorial Board issues a final decision to reject or accept the manuscript for publication. The author will be notified of the decision.

Anonymity is strictly maintained throughout the entire editorial procedure. Neither the author nor the reviewers know each other's identity.


External Review Evaluation Form