Night University

Theme: Let’s Play!

Every year, Night University has a theme for inspiration. This year's theme: Let's Play!

Let's Play!

We play from birth, by instinct, and everywhere. Making snow angels, dashing back and forth on a sports court, or engaging in a deeply serious political game – people play all the time and are inspired by playing. We play because it gives us pleasure, to beat others, or to get something done.

But we also play to learn or to deal with change. Playing hones our skills and teaches us to think strategically, tactically, and creatively. Successful scientists, entrepreneurs, athletes, writers, artists, and many others tap into their imagination and experiment away. Rethinking, trying out, and improvising are much needed to help our world move forward. But above all playing fuels fun and zest for life, so let’s hand over to Homo Ludens: Let’s Play!

Night University 2023

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