Tilburg University promotie PhD Defense

Promotie F.M. Arshad

Datum: Tijd: 13:30 Locatie: Aula

Performance Management Systems in Modern Organizations

The tremendous progress in technology, digitization and globalization in the last few decades has not only facilitated the availability of information in organizations but also changed their operations and structure. All these transformations have implications for performance management systems, such as performance evaluation and feedback systems, in organizations. This dissertation presents three studies that use laboratory experiments to examine performance management systems in modern organizations. The first study (chapter 2) examines how managers’ self-serving incentives, which are becoming more prevalent in modern organizations, affect managers’ evaluation behavior. The second study (chapter 3) investigates whether demand-driven feedback systems, which are becoming a popular performance management tool in many organizations, induce employees to engage in easy task prioritization. The third study (chapter 4) examines the role of calibration committees, another popular performance management system in modern organizations, in supervisors’ evaluation behavior.

  • Locatie: Cobbenhagen building, Aula (ingang via Koopmans building)
  • Promotores: prof. dr. B.C.G. Dierynck, prof. dr. E. Cardinaels

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