
PhD student HSRI: Jamie Breukel

Our PhD students have the floor

Jamie Breukel

Jamie Breukel started her PhD Project "Understanding Physiological Responses to Daily Acts of Workplace Exclusion" (part of Adaptive Societies) in 2021.

Learn more about Jamie Breukel here.

Did cross-departmental research play a role during your bachelor’s/master’s studies? To which extent?

It did not. I was never involved in cross-departmental research myself, except at most social psychology & work and organizational psychology

What excited you about this multidisciplinary project you applied for?

The focus on diversity and inclusion. I believe it's a complex issue that our society is facing and if I can in any way contribute to our understanding of this as a first step towards decreasing its prevalence, then I'm all for it!

Why is cross-departmental research important for your PhD project? What does it add to the project?

Workplace exclusion evidently takes place in a specific social context, the workplace, but its impact has a bigger scope than that. If individuals or organizations suffer because of the negative effects of workplace exclusion, this impacts other areas of life and our society as a whole. In our project specifically, we combine research into the immediate physiological stress effects of workplace exclusion, which is why the collaboration between HR Studies, Org Studies and Medical & Clinical Psychology is so valuable for this project.

Cross-cutting themes

The Herbert Simon Research Institute for Health, Well-being, and Adaptiveness is a research center devoted to carrying out excellent, state of the art research in order to contribute to healthy and resilient people. We have selected three themes, which involve the collaboration between various Departments  and address actual themes in need of both fundamental and applied research.