Students walking in the Koopmans building

Opening Academic Year Tilburg School of Catholic Theology

Date: Time: 17:30 Location: Utrecht

Location: St. Catherine's Cathedral, Utrecht

Please be invited for the opening academic year 2019-2020! Meet new and higher year students,  professors and colleagues at the TST and all interested at this festive event!

The evening consists of four parts:
1. At 17.30, we will start with a celebration of the Eucharist in St. Catherine's Cathedral (behind our school in Utrecht), with Cardinal Eijk and student pastors Ward Biemans and Michiel Peeters;
2. At 18.45, you are welcome in the conference centre In de Driehoek (near Utrecht Central Station) where there is a sandwich waiting for you;
3. At 19.30, the academic year will be officially opened by our dean Marcel Sarot and Eric Luijten, deputy director of Fontys Hogeschool (FHTL). TST-lecturer Juliëtte van Deursen-Vreeburg will
provide the mini-lecture 'Catholic education: personal development in the contemporary context';
4. At around 21.00, there are drinks and bites and we can meet each other and share our (holiday) stories. (The last train to Tilburg leaves at 23.39)


St. Catherine's Cathedral, Lange Nieuwstraat  36, Utrecht


Registration is recommended:


Please contact the secretary of the TST:  +31 (0)13  466 3800 or