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Brainstorm development Climate and Energy Community

Date: Time: 13:00 Location: Auberge du Bonheur

The Board and Deans of Tilburg University have awarded a grant to further develop the Climate and Energy Community. This community has been in existence since 2018 and comprises of academics across the university working on climate and energy related issues.

The community is led by prof.dr. Martijn Groenleer (PLG) and Prof.dr. Saskia Lavrijssen (Tilt). The Board and Deans have asked Groenleer and Lavrijssen to bring collaboration as part of the community to a next level, to strengthen the ties with external partners and to make the community more visible in the outside world. A brainstorm meeting is organized on 16 November from 13:00 hrs-15:00 hrs (Auberge du Bonheur) to discuss overall ambitions, common objectives, possible activities, possible research themes, as well as required support and capacity, and expected results. Anyone interested in participating in the discussion is warmly invited to join the meeting. For more information, please contact Martijn Groenleerm.l.p.groenleer@tilburguniversity.edu or Saskia LavrijssenS.A.C.M.Lavrijssen@tilburguniversity.edu.