Student entrepreneurship at Tilburg University

Riskiest Assumptions

In the Lean Startup, the term Leap of Faith is used to describe the riskiest assumptions for your product or service. It is crucial to validate your riskiest assumptions before you decide to invest more time and money in your idea.

What do you get out of it?

Starting with validating your riskiest assumptions will save you time and money. If your riskiest assumption turns out to be incorrect, the underlying assumptions are not true either.

Get started quickly

Watch the video about the most risky assumptions, ask your business developer for an Experiment Board on A1 format and a stack of post-its and get started. You can also fill in digitally with the fillable PDF. You can of course also print this.

Fill in the Experiment Board

Want to know more?

Before talking to customers, first check the Customer Interviews page for useful tips on what you should and should not ask for. Do you need an Minimal Viable Product to test your assumptions? Then view the MVP page.

Watch the video about Riskiest Assumptions: