Registration for the (social) media training

Training sessions will always take place from 2-4 p.m. at a location to be determined. Minimum number of participants: 4, maximum number of participants 8 (6 for writing an op-ed).  if you register, we assume that you take part in the training. If you have registered and cannot participate in the training, we ask you to inform us by e-mail at least 2 weeks before the start of the training: If the training is cancelled too late, there may be a charge (€100 per participant). 

Customized training

For customized training (for example, a combination of the above training courses or for group participation), contact

I sign up for the following training course(s)
Raising your online profile and writing for a wide audience on the social media
Writing an op-ed
Media training for interviews (radio / TV / newspaper)