Tilburg Sustainability Center

Integrated Assessment Models for Circular Economy and Materials Balance (IAM-Circ)

Bridging the scientific divide between economic modeling and materials flows

For centuries, economic growth has been synonymous with increasing material consumption, but this correlation now threatens the planet’s sustainability. It’s necessary to break from this unsustainable pattern by minimising material waste. This requires a switch to a circular economy. Unlike the traditional linear model of ‘extract, consume, discard,’ it establishes material loops to reduce losses. With the support of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, the IAM-Circ project will develop an integrated assessment model that combines macroeconomic characteristics with circular economy principles and material use constraints. It aims to identify policy measures that align socio-economic objectives with circularity and environmental strategies, driving positive change at national and EU levels.

IAM-Circ project is funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) programme of the  European Union under Grant agreement ID: 101106168

If you want to learn more about IAM-Circ projet please contact Etienne Lorang.