Tilburg Law School

Tailored learning tools

Together with our teachers, we develop tailor-made learning resources that strongly support studying at Tilburg Law School. Our students and teachers are enthusiastic about them. On this page, we showcase some of them.

Tailormade by TLS

  • online samenwerken

    Tools for collaborative learning

    Learning together

    The digital tools we utilize enable students to study together online. For instance, we provide tools for peer feedback and social annotation (jointly annotating legal texts). Because collaborative learning, even online, is very motivating.



  • politie

    Visual learning materials

    Learning with images

    The programs in Law and Public Administration have a somewhat textual orientation. That's why we deliberately develop a lot of visual learning aids, providing a nice variety. For example, for the criminal law course, we created interactive videos in collaboration with the police and several actors. And similarly, knowledge clips and videos have been developed for many other courses.

    Additionally, we translate legal texts into (visual) decision trees. And from those decision trees, we sometimes create games, to practice the material even better.

  • animatie

    Other learning resources

    Varied materials

    Other learning resources, a selection:

    • Audio fragments with explanations from the teacher, added at points where self-study text becomes truly challenging.
    • An animation featuring the fiscal adventures of Peter & Carolien, bringing tax law to life.
    • Weekly online quizzes allowing students to assess whether they are on track or need to do some additional work.