Tilburg Law School

Powerful games

Nowadays gaming is an integral part of our education. Students learn with it in a fun and fast way. Think of simulating a courtroom and various legal offline and online games, tailormade by Tilburg Law School.

Examples of our games

  • real game

    The REAL Game

    Law & Technology

    In this game, a team of students is confronted with a new technology. Their task is to regulate the technology and to put to the test the tools, techniques, and theories they have acquired during the course. However, chance will influence the choices, just like in real life.

  • Hands of people are tied

    Constitution Game

    Constitutional Law

    This game makes students aware of the importance of the constitution through video clips, discussion, and assignments. After playing, they deeply understand why it should not be too easy to amend the constitution.

    Students become literally captivated by this game.

  • immuniteitsgame

    Immunities Game

    International/EU Law

    When does a government official enjoy immunity? Step by step, students solve cases in this game.

    For the course Introduction to International/EU Law, they practice the concepts of personal and functional immunity with this game.