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About MasterMinds

MasterMinds consists of five innovative research projects, with 15 partners working together to develop breakthroughs with interactive AI technologies. In addition to the lead institution Tilburg University, several knowledge institutions (Fontys and ROC Tilburg), industrial partners (Actemium, Castlab, Interpolis, Marel, multiSIM, Spacebuzz, Uitgeverij Zwijsen, The Barn, VRJAM), and partners such as the Tilburg Municipality, Port of Rotterdam and the Royal Netherlands Air Force are involved.

Societal Challenge 

Artificial intelligence and data science have become integral to our society today. Its power and influence have been overwhelming. What recent societal developments have shown is the need for developments in artificial intelligence combined with the impact on and input from human behavior. In order to achieve this across multiple sectors in society, collaborations across knowledge institutions, industry and governmental organizations are essential. 

MasterMinds projects 

MasterMinds has defined 5 projects in which knowledge institutions such as Tilburg University, Fontys Hogescholen, and ROC Tilburg work closely together with societal partners. With these projects we aim to: 

  • Reduce the backlog of AI technologies in the West and Central Brabant area; 
  • Provide an impulse for strengthening the collaboration between knowledge institutions and business partners in the field of AI technologies; 
  • Accelerate innovation by applying knowledge and expertise to projects where the answer to already existing questions has a direct impact on its environment. 

MasterMinds research questions 

The projects address questions such as:  

  • Can serious games help improve complex decision-making processes?  
  • Can brain-computer interface improve performance in air force pilots?  
  • Can integrated behavioral and neurophysiological measures improve learning and performance in VR and AR training?  
  • Can unsupervised learning help us uncover hidden patterns in how people respond to risks?  
  • Can interactive VR agents facilitate learning for elementary school students? 

Funding from Region Deal resources has made it possible to tackle these major social challenges together with our partners. 

About the Region Deal 

With the Region Deal 'Makes and Moves', the government and the regions of Central and West Brabant are committed to strengthening the economic ecosystem in the regions into a resilient, sustainable and future-proof economy with a central role for SMEs. For more information go to or