2023-01-24 Music & Emotions (SG only) | 12-12-2022

Music & Emotion

Date: Time: 10:00 Location: Black Box, Esplanade building (Tilburg University)

*FULLY BOOKED* What's music doing with us? How does music relate to health and wellbeing? What do we know about the effects of music therapy? At this symposium, some leading scientists deepen several themes of music psychology. (English - SG-Certificate*)

Time: 10:00-12:00 hrs.  Only admission after registration .

This event is fully booked: registration is no longer possible.

Moral Disgust of Music

Moralizing responses to music (primarily lyrics and artist activities) suggests that outrage and its accompanying emotions, anger and disgust, play a part in condemning musical expressions. Roger Giner-Sorolla asks what predominates: the more hostile emotion of anger or the more avoidant emotion of disgust?

Sad Music

Annemieke van den Tol wonders why people like to listen to sad music when feeling sad? Is this a effective way to cope with negative life events? And what has someone's mental health to do with it?

Musical behavior, health & wellbeing

How can musical emotions contribute to wellbeing? What are the mechanisms that enable individuals to benefit from musical activities? To find answers, Gunter Kreutz will explain how he sees multidisciplinary research at the intersection of the psychology of musical behaviors on the one hand and the sciences of health and wellbeing on the other.

Effects of Music Therapy

Music therapy has a positive impact on a wide range of psychological outcomes. Susan van Hooren discusses several recent studies on effects of music therapy among different (sub)clinical groups and possible working mechanisms.

PhD Defense

This symposium is organized on the occasion of the PhD Defense of Waldie Hanser: The Consoling Power of Music: The Role of Emotions and Musical Aspects. After the symposium this starts at 13:30hrs and takes place at the Auditorium, Cobbenhagen building (Tilburg University). Here also, everyone is welcome!

Guest speakers

Moderator is prof. Wijo Kop, Professor of Medical and Clinical Psychology, Tilburg University.

More information

This symposium is organized by em.prof. Ad Vingerhoets and Studium Generale and with help of study association for psychology Complex.

Contact: Has Klerx (Studium Generale).

* For students, this lecture may count towards the SG-Certificate. Check the SG-Certificate website for all the terms and conditions. 

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