Tilburg University

Tivolistraat (demolished)

The predecessor of Tilburg University - the R.K. Handelshoogeschool - was established in 1927 on the Bosscheweg, today's Tivolistraat. It stood on the spot where the garden of the insurance company Interpolis is now located, on the eastern side.

Buildings Tivoli Street

The building was used by the R.K. Leergangen, of which the Hogeschool was initially a part. Initially, the Hogeschool primarily had a regional perspective: an academic training institute in commerce for Catholic youth below the rivers.

The building was designed by the Amsterdam architect Jos. Cuypers, who also built the first Sint Elisabeth hospital in the same area. The first Rector Magnificus, Thomas Goossens, lived in the adjacent villa. The coach house of the villa initially housed the institution's first library.

The building soon became too small for the rapidly growing Hogeschool, which moved to the campus in 1962.

More about history and academic heritage

The Tilburg University academic heritage is a very diverse set of archives, visual materials, collections, devices, recorded stories, et cetera that relate to the history of the university.