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Dual career student gold medalist at European Universities Games

Published: 11th August 2022 Last updated: 11th August 2022

Tilburg University student Aymen Achnine has become gold medalist in taekwondo at the European University Games. Congratulations on this great achievement!

The European Universities Games are organized every other year for student athletes from all over Europe. This year, students represented more than 400 European universities from 40 countries. In July, dual career student Aymen Achnine is studying at Tilburg Law School and traveled to Lodz, Poland's third largest city. In Lodz, he participated in the sixth edition of the European Universities Games and went home with a golden medal.

Dual Career student Aymen Achnine taekwondo 2

Aymen says, "The event lasted a total of two weeks with the sport of taekwondo being held on the final days. After weighing in well on Friday for the -58kg category, I won the golden medal on Saturday after three wins against United Kingdom, Ukraine and Portugal!


Photo: @Seixasphotography

It was a great experience to be able to participate in this event! Therefore, I would like to say a big thank you to all the people and sponsors who made it possible for me to participate in this event! On to the next one!"

Dual Career student Aymen Achnine